I am a huge fan of Jeffrey Ericson Allen - the Oregonian composer, cellist and electronic music recording artist who works under the name of Chronotope Project.
His particular blend of progressive ambient music is a real delight to me and I've taken a real shine to his latest album - Dharma Rain. It features three longer-form tracks that have an Eastern feel to them.
The first track - Dancing Wu Li Masters - conjures up exactly that: Dancing Masters. The backing music is wonderfully rich, heady and percussive; it swirls in the conscious and provides a suitable setting for the main melody - a haunting, lilting, almost melancholic melody that I find both poignant and uplifting. The piece is interspersed with small symbols and has a decidedly Eastern feel which is both familiar and otherworldly. I loved this track from the moment I immersed myself in it. It is exceptional.
The second track - Oort Cloud - is more of a 'traditional' ambient soundscape. It is atmospheric and deeply contemplative. It builds over it's 8 minute duration with the addition of sequenced electronics, a subtle melody and the gentle suggestion of an acoustic guitar. This is the Chronotope Project I have come to know and love, and this track is a welcome addition to their canon of work.
The third and final track, and title track - Dharma Rain - is the longest of the three tracks, sitting nicely at just over 18 minutes in duration. There is an impression of moving water at the start of this piece ... it is part of the backing soundscape that underpins the most delicious of melancholic melodies, played on a synth but could have easily been played on a clarinet. Further sequenced electronics and percussion appear to further broaden the sound and add to the already rich wall-of-sound created by Allen. This is a truly immersive track that benefits from a pair of good headphones
I found Dharma Rain by Chronotope Project to be joyful and relaxing, exuberant and contemplative, hedonistic and introspective. Most of all is it an utter delight to consume ... and comes highly recommended.
Have a listen below and, if you can, please support Allen in his musical endeavours:
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