The fab Free Floating netlabel have reissued "Strange Skies MMXIV" by M. Persson:Sounds ... and I am glad they have. It is a beautiful ambient release, well worthy of your attention:

Brad Ross-MacLeod, the man behind Free Floating, is one of *those* talented folks who make music AND run a label AND create beautiful graphics ... I am rather jealous of his achievements. His second collection of audio sketches - "Sketches for the Edge of Silence vol.2" is a aural delight ... he really practices what he preaches, creating music worthy of his own label. Recommended.

My friend Todd aka Toaster has another album of his weirdbient IDM soundscapes out. "Brethren" is food for the mind and was born out of a number of jams with Daniel Couri, who plays bass for the stoner rock outfit One Eyed King. I really like this release, it has an abstraction that really works for me. I would encourage you to check it out if folks like Squarepusher are your thing.

"All Creatures - Volume One" by Jacob Montague is a work of exceptional beauty.
According to the liner notes...
"In the vein of Son Lux and Sufjan Stevens, the lyrical and melodic themes of "All Creatures - Volume One" seamlessly bridge the seemingly expansive gap between acoustic and synthetic instrumentation, carving out choruses composed of trombone and electric piano, flute and synthesizer, swelling vocal chorales and minimized digital textures ..."I really enjoy this piece and do appreciate the spiritual content. Highly recommended.

Lastly we have "Petrichor" by Harnes Kretzer on the awesome Fluttery Records. I received this to review for This Is Not A Scene and have to say I absolutely loved it. It combines exemplary neo-classical piano with glitchy electronics, and is an utter delight.
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