My friend Kevin D. Hendricks has released a book on the Kindle entitled ...
"137 Books in One Year - How to Fall in Love with Reading".
It is a love letter to reading. Hendricks is trying to remind everyone he can about the wonder that is reading ... and he does a really, really good job.
He places an emphasis on forming the habit of reading ... and suggests ways in which folks can read more ... whilst on the loo or in a queue ... or during the ad-breaks. This is a habit I am trying to recapture ... thanks to Hendricks.
I highly recommend it ... and it is free until Thursday, 7th February.
Mr Mathie you're a pest!
decided to have 'quick look' at that Kevin Hedricks book that keeps getting mentioned online (especially now that Thomas there, says its free for kindle!)
Have been saying for a while now I need to get back into reading the way I used to be in my "younger years"...
so what happens? I download it to my lovely Windows Kindle App (Windows 8 is not that bad y'know) & read it in one sitting! Yikes!
So now I got to take on board what I read!
So Thomas, thanks for nothing!! :-)
In other words people give it a read, it's indeed highly recommended read as Thomas has already said...