The Library Book with contributions from Seth Godin, Stephen Fry and others.
According to Amason... famous writers on libraries real or imagined, past and future; why libraries matter and to whom. In aid of The Reading Agency.

Books in the age of the iPad by Craig Mod
Following on from 'Hack the Cover' and 'Post-Artefact Books and Publishing'... this is the next in the series of essays from Mod that I want to immersive myself in.

The Innsmouth Syndrome by Philip Hemplow
An story based on H.P. Lovecraft's classic weird fiction short... 'Shadow over Innsmouth'.

Falling while sitting down... a collection of seven short stories (first four by Joshua Fields Milburn) that, according to Amazon, may vary drastically, but all share one thing in common: each story is about what it’s like to be a human being during incredibly complex times.

Oh and the 10th instalment of Justice League!
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