Tonight I was looking for "Twist and Shout" for Miriam. She's a fan of "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and loves the seen where Ferris sings (mimes) the song.
I found it on "Please Please Me"... and whilst there I took another look at the cover and was blown away by it.
It's such a great shot. So good, in my opinion, that I did a bit of digging and found this on Wikipedia...
"George Martin, a Fellow of the Zoological Society of London, owners of the London Zoo, thought that it might be good publicity for the zoo to have The Beatles pose outside the insect house for the cover photography of the album. However, the Zoological Society of London turned down Martin's offer, and instead, Angus McBean was asked to take the distinctive colour photograph of the group looking down over the stairwell inside EMI's London headquarters in Manchester Square. Martin was to write later: "We rang up the legendary theatre photographer Angus McBean, and bingo, he came round and did it there and then. It was done in an almighty rush, like the music. Thereafter, though, The Beatles' own creativity came bursting to the fore."
Love it. The perspective draws the eye to the name of the band... and the smiles of the band look so natural, youthful and of-the-moment. I also love the angle it's place at.
Seriously... I can only dream of creating a cover that good.
The one they did round about 1970 for the blue album, which is the same shot, but a few years later is also great as it shows how much they changed in the years between: http://www.myitunestmusic.info/2012/02/beatles-blue-albumitunes-lp-is.html
YOU already take fantastic photos! YOU are an AMAZING and TALENTED photographer, Thomas!
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