I love Christmas and New Year's almost as much as I love my annual holiday to somewhere warm and sunny... they are different in many ways but they are the same in two... (1) I get to spend time with my family and (2) I get to think.
I don't like the idea of a resolution so I've headed this post "things I intend to do in 2012"... it's all about my intention... the battle being before I even get down to doing it.
I intend to do the following...
1) Read more.
I am working on this. Finding time to read in the bath or on the train. My Kindle is great for this... I just wish it was waterproof so I didn't worry as much. I also have a ton of physical books I haven't read yet that I need to dig into.
I intend to read at least 12 books and read my Bible everyday using the YouVersion app - I'm currently working through the NT using the Optina Monastery plan.
I am working through H.P. Lovecraft's short stories... Lewis Hyde's "The Gift" and David Allen's "Getting Things Done"... and intend to finish them too.
2) Write more.
I love to write and I intend to continue writing here, on the Something Beautiful podcast blog and as a "digital disciple" on the Big Bible blog.
With regards this blog... my aim is for 1 post per day. I want to do all I can to support the musicians and artists I find.
3) Exercise more.
This is something I always struggle with but my intention is to be more active.
As such, I've joined a gym in Glasgow's City Centre (The Gym Group - corner of Jamaica St - £10.99 per month) and intend to visit it at lest three lunchtimes a week with @myopicaardvark - instead of playing Yahtzee we're going to the gym... because I, for one, need the moral support.
I will also keep the gym on at the Boathouse... and try to go twice or three times a week too.
4) Photograph more.
I need to keep moving with my photography and intend to undertake a "project 366" and take a photo-a-day during 2012. I also want to take the pictures of at least 100 people. Lastly, I intend to resurrect "a hint of bergamot" and will let you know more about this ASAP.
5) Consume less.
I need to learn how to work with what I have... and intend to consume less:
* buy less stuff and celebrate what I have already... this includes apps for my iOS toys and books for my Kindle as much as physical stuff like clothes, CDs & books - consume less so I can appreciate what I have more.
* stop spending as much time on the Internet and use my time more productively - consume less so I can create more or spend time doing the top four.
I have a few dreams that I'd love to see happen... but will talk about them some other time.
I'll keep you posted.
here's mine - similar in many ways - So each year we make choices ad decisions about what we shall do in the year ahead and we call them resolutions (definition according to Oxford English dictionary: a firm decision to do or not to do something) and so each year I pick a couple – one big and one small.
This year’s big one s to buy no new clothes or shoes or entertainment (books and music and films included) although underwear is allowed! I have so many in my possession that I want to enjoy these clothes and having just thrown out 10 pairs due to weight-loss, I still have lots that are wearable and lots of music to listen too as well as lots of books to read.
I can and might buy from Charity shops (or thrift stores for my North American friends). I have a feeling that this will free me up over the year to read and communicate more and to spend time with people I care about!
The smaller resolution is to challenge myself to reading a lot more books and not just happy ending stories! Books to learn from and to challenge me!
So, I will probably throw a book exchange party at some point and we can all bring a book to swap! This I will enjoy doing!
What are your resolutions for 2012 and are you ready for them to start in 2days time!
Checks you totally stealing my 100 faces project ;P
Best of luck with your list. Totally excited for journeying photographically together with A Hint of Bergamot xo
I wish you well. I can agree with all these aims and the sentiments shared. I think you will find it richly rewarding the more you are able to accomplish these objectives.
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