I have fancied doing something like this for a wee while now... and when Olly was working on my Canon Pixma MP490 scanner last week, I kept it plugged in and looked for an opportunity to get some scanning done.
I hope to feature the covers of some of the books I have in my collection... books I've picked up (mostly in charityshops) because I have been drawn to the cover, to the story, to the author, or a combination of all three.
The idea behind this exercise is threefold:
1) Feature books with great covers... and
2) Take the opportunity to appreciate what I have... there is no point in having a collection if you don't appreciate it.
3) Provide examples of what I mean by "artefact"... these books are beautiful on the outside as well as having good stories inside. Whilst I love my Kindle3 (and Kindle apps on iPhone and iPad)... Amazon and publishers really need to work on their designs... eBook covers leave me cold.

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