After reading this article by Bobby Solomon over on the awesome The Fox Is Black I wanted to add my tuppence worth and set out my blogging "policy".
I've been blogging for a number of years now... and I have always been about "the whole of me". This hasn't changed... albeit I now post more of my theological posts/rants over on the Something Beautiful Podcast website. I do this because I don't want to alienate friends who do not share my beliefs.
Over the last wee while my remit and focus, without sounding full of myself, has been to advocate for awesomeness... primarily within the field of independent music. Everything I feature on this blog has one tough obstacle to overcome... one big thick gate to pass through... and that's me. If I love it, then I will post it... if I don't, I won't. Its as simple as that.
I find most things through word-of-mouth, from the awesome folks who make up my Twitter timeline, from other blogs or from taking a donder around the Interwebs. However, recently I have received content to check out... which I am extremely grateful for.
The thing is... if you want your music, art or whatever featured on here... then give me a shout... and I will check it out. If I like it... I will post about it. If I don't... well, it just doesn't work for me... its not a criticism, its just me. I'd rather not feature something than disparage it with low ratings or anything... in fact, I don't rate anything on here because I don't think its fair... but I will tell you why something speaks to me.
Oh and I will tell you if I have been given it to check out. I don't see any point in lying to you. I don't make any money from this blog. I make my money as a Business Analyst. I'm not a journalist nor am I professional reviewer... I am just someone who loves things like independent music (especially ambient electronica and post-rock) and wants to give back to all the folks out there who create for the love of it. This is my fun... this is my golf... this is my WoW... and as such I want to keep it that way.
I hope this makes sense?
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! Great work once again old friend.
"I do this because I don't want to alienate friends who do not share my beliefs."
As one of your friends who doesn't share all of your beliefs (I think we both believe that no matter how theraputic it would be, tripwire across the entrance isn't going to lead to anything other than accusations and finger pointing!), I still follow your posts wherever they might be.
I may not agree with all of it, but I think the message behind most of it is very similar to my own personal opinions on how you should and should not treat people.
No need to keep it off here, at least in my opinion. It's your blog - you shouldn't have to keep YOUR opinions separate from it.
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