My friend Ben Thomas with his band So Elated have a three track EP out now on Bandcamp for Christmas... entitled "peace, here".
I've been a huge fan of Ben and So Elated's since I got their first album - the bewildering light - for free on noisetrade. This EP is a fantastic continuation of their sound... but somehow more joyful and vibrant, and less downbeat... maybe its that time of the year?
The EP contains their wonderful cover of Radiohead's "Creep" that has a wee Christmassy feel to it.
I would recommend this EP. Go here to download it for $3.
That said, thanks to Ben and the band, I have THREE download codes to get the EP for free. The first THREE commentators who answer correctly the following question (and leave their email) will win.
The question is...
Where was "the Bewildering Light" recorded... in six short days?
Please check out this release and support independent music.
Naperville IL, wheatland salem church
ooo, pick me!
Wheatland Salem Church in Naperville, IL
(contact [at] andrewweir [dot] co [dot] uk
Wheatland Salem Church
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