Monday, May 31, 2010
A calendar for June 2010
Another wee calendar / wallpaper ... this time for June (can you believe its June tomorrow???)
As before... Mac in 1280x800 ... Mac in 1024x768 (for my dad) ... and ... Windows in 1280x800.
Music Monday :: "before the blossom fades..." another (overdue) mixtape
Apologies for the delay in dropping this tape... but its been a busy week. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do... I've been listening to it on and off pretty much all week / weekend.
Some good stuff on there... and pretty varied albeit with a slant towards indie guitar-orientated soundscapes.
Download it here...
Music Monday :: Fluid Radio
I have two radio apps on my iPhone :: wunder radio for listening to BBC6 Music ... and the Fluid Radio app.
Fluid Radio is an online radiostation dedicated to "experimental frequencies" ... Channel 1 plays abstract, acoustic & neo-classical work ... whereas Channel 2 is more on the diverse, experimental acoustic & vocal genres. Not only does this site allow you hear some fantastic work that isn't going to be heard on a mainstream radio broadcast... they also review & promote material ... which brings you into a wider understanding of what's going on ... beyond the mainstream ... in netlabels & small indie labels. Well worth checking out if this is your kind of thing. If it's not, don't worry ... Simon Cowell will be back in the Autumn. Tx, May 28, 2010
An ego post...
First off... we have the pic from Marc de Ridder... taken on Wednesday when a group of six "photogeeks" from my office went on safari to find the elusive Clydeside Tiger. More on that later (when I find my USB Compact Flash card doohickey and upload the remaining pics from my Canon EOS 350d).
Secondly, I'm namechecked in a guest post by JD Blundell on Johnny Laird's blog. JD talks about connections and how we met up and connected...
And these days, Thomas and I are both been fond of saying that while we’ve never actually met in person, we know each other better than our next door neighbors.'tis true!
I've been asked by Johnny Laird to do a guest post... so bookmark his blog.
Paul Clement Trio's first EP
My dear friends Paul Clement and Jono French have been working together for a wee while now... writing and playing (along with bassist Gus) a funky, bluesy melange of guitar-orientated rock. Their first EP is available on Bandcamp for a fiver... and is recommended.
I've been working with Paul (and Jen) on the EP artwork... and I'm pleased with the outcome. After an initial attempt that was "too Take That"... we settled on using the shutter/door from Strathclyde Park that I snapped while meeting Andrew Berry for coffee.
I'm pleased with it... albeit... I need to learn more about typography.
So yeah, number 3 album cover under my belt.
Please let me know what you think... and please check out Paul Clement Trio on Bandcamp.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
This is cool :: Dulux Walls
Dulux Walls - Global film for the Let's Colour Campaign by Euro RSCG LondonI know I've posted a few "adverts" over the last few days... but I found this video pretty awesome, especially with the Jonsi track in the background and the fantastic timelapse videography.
Let's Colour is a worldwide initiative to transform grey spaces with colourful paint.
This 2 minute global film was shot by multi-award winning director Adam Berg over four weeks in Brazil, France, London and India. Every location is real and they remain transformed by a palette consisting of 120 different colours. The people in the film are not actors, they are real people who rolled up their sleeves to transform their community with colour.
Read more about the Let's Colour project here.
Thanks to Lard for the heads-up.
My Project365 :: 109 - 144
1. 240510_ x marks the spot (144/365),
2. 230510_ construction work at Rutherglen Station #8 (143/365),
3. 220510_ Miriam (142/365),
4. 210510_ AT-ST (141/365),
5. 200510_ Dayna #1 (140/365),
6. 190510_ drops on the line #1 (139/365),
7. 180510_ blossom #2 (138/365),
8. 170510_ blossom (137/365),
9. 160510_ signs of life (136/365),
10. 150510_ blossom before church (135/365),
11. 140510_ Clematis #2 (134/365),
12. 130510_ Olly (133/365),
13. The Clyde (iPhone pano) (132/365),
14. 110510_ loser (131/365),
15. 100510_ Stewart (130/365),
16. 090510_ sweets (129/365),
17. 080510_ across the water #2 (128/365),
18. 070510_ Its a sign (127/365),
19. 060510_ Blossom #4 (126/365),
20. 050510_ Motherwell (125/365),
21. 040510_ my "nifty fifty" #2 (124/365),
22. 030510_ Berries near Hamilton Mausoleum (123/365),
23. 020510_ Highland Cow #1 (122/365),
24. 010510_ Blossom #2 (121/365),
25. 300410_ Dayna #2 (120/365),
26. 290410_ Accordian Player on Buchanan #1 (119/365),
27. 280410_ Nature finds a way (118/365),
28. 270410_ Paul (117/365),
29. 260410_ Euthymol (116/365),
30. 250410_ Harry's gift #2 (115/365),
31. 240410_ No Parking #2 (114/365),
32. 230410_ Pike Place Market Starbucks mug (113/365),
33. 220410_ a rock bun (112/365),
34. 210410_ Tonight's moon (111/365),
35. 200410_ Exchange (110/365),
36. 190410_ sunshine on the tracks (109/365)
Created with fd's Flickr Toys
Monday, May 24, 2010
This is cool :: "All night long"
I'm not a brass band fan... but I got this! Reminded me of Lester Bowie and his notion of free jazz... in which he espoused the freedom to play what he liked.
Thanks to Olly for sharing this.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The impossible dream...
I know this is an ad ... but it is fantastic, imho... with the Andy Williams soundtrack and the awesome collection of bikes & cars. In fact, I want one of those Monkey bikes that he starts off with.
but the thing I love most about it is the challenge at the end:
What good is dreaming it... if you don't actually do it?Challenging words indeed. Its not enough to dream big... its to deliver big... to build it and make it happen. So let's not stop at dreaming but START.
Here's to making it happen.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Write the future...
Yes, I know its an advert... but it is an *awesome* advert. I have to admit to being quite up for the World Cup.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Funny :: The Fastest and Funniest LEGO Star Wars story ever told
Thanks to William for sharing this video... it made me all warm & fuzzy inside... kind of like the first day I saw Star Wars Lego.
Happy Birthday Dayna
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Thought-provoking :: "Crafting"
I saw this on notcot #30,850 and found it actually quite moving... a view of a world without "craftsmen" (I guess that should be "craftspeople"...)
This is cool :: The Drums
I found this band via colorbynumbers and am hooked...
I have the feeling they will be huge when their debut album drops in June. I also have the urge to find a pair of skinny jeans and roll them up passed my ankle. I hope to resist the latter... Tx
I have the feeling they will be huge when their debut album drops in June. I also have the urge to find a pair of skinny jeans and roll them up passed my ankle. I hope to resist the latter... Tx
Monday, May 17, 2010
Playing with Lightroom Presets
I walked the we'ans to school this morning... and then walked to the station. I took my wee Fujifilm Finepix A500 with me... with the intention of taking a few pics so I could play with the Lightroom Presets I downloaded last night.
I have to say I am pleased with the results. I used presets that give the pics the lomo / vintage style that I love.
Whilst the analog purist in me feels a wee bit of a fraud... wishing to obtain these kind of results on film... I do think this will encourage me to use the Finepix A500 more.
At the end of the day, these presets are another weapon in my arsenal... one that I'll use as appropriate.
If you have Lightroom, go here to discover some fab presets... available for free download.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
What is it about skateboarding videos that inspires me so?
I'm knackered. I worked my first Sunday... in a long time.
The project I am so blessed to be part of went from content to production over the weekend. In essence we went into a live "beta" before the big launch next Monday. I'm blessed because I am playing to my strengths and get to "geek out" building the website... taking photos... editing photos in photoshop etc. I'm a pig in poo, to be honest.
Thing is... I am tired and I am weary... and I really could have done with being in an uplifting and worshipful environment tonight... but I skipped church and slept on the sofa... listening to my latest mixtape.
I'm spiritually weary. Since giving up ((deep)) I've felt there was a gap in my life that hasn't been filled. The problem is... I'm not filling it. I struggle to read my bible... even when its the no.1 app on my iPhone.
I struggle to read in general. I would love to read as voraciously as some of my peers do... but I don't... I can't. I think this is my next challenge.
I feel I am only now finding my creativity... but I have been a fan of the creative for a long while. I have long coveted the skills of the artist... and am grateful to have found my special rhythm.
I see the Creator reflected in the creative... and in creation... both His and the creation of artists, designers, painters, musicians, architects, writers etc.
So yeah... I think this is why I find skateboarding videos so engaging and inspiring... because I see the Divine in them, if that makes sense? They speak a language... a visual language... that I can read.
I hope this makes sense?
Problogger's message to TransFORM
Surprise Guest Message for TransFORM from TransFORM on Vimeo.
You may have seen this already... but if you haven't, its well worth watching. Darren Rowse aka problogger is an inspiration... even if you don't want to be a "pro" blogger.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
"everything looks perfect from far away" :: another wee mixtape for you
Here's another wee mixtape for you... with the title taken from the opening track. Was really feeling "indie electronica" this week and I think it shows in the line up ::
You can download it here... its heftier than normal because I had a clear out and deleted the original file before I created a ligher version. Oops! It is, however, worth the extra wait... trust me.
Oh and, as always, please take the time to support the artists you dig.
Friday, May 14, 2010
This is way cool :: "Untitled/Dark Divider" by Stomacher (video by Sean Stiegemeier)
Stomacher - Untitled/Dark Divider from Sean Stiegemeier on Vimeo.
I featured Sean Stiegemeier in my previous post... and then came across this wonderful video that he made... which features a band called stomacher. It is a haunting song... expertly enhanced by the wonderful videography and time lapse imagery.
Their album :: "sentimental education" :: is available to download for free... in exchange for your email address. I've downloaded it and intend to give it a good listen over the weekend... I have a feeling, from what I've heard, that its my kind of awesome.
So yeah... please watch the video and download the album... and give these gifted artists your support.
Inspiring... Eyjafjallajökull by Sean Stiegemeier
Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010 from Sean Stiegemeier on Vimeo.
I saw this video on Josh Spear and thought "WOW!!!". Sean Stiegemeier has really captured the essence of the volcano that I, for one, really struggle to pronounce.
A truly beautiful piece of film-making and one I find very inspiring indeed.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Clyde
Taken using my iPhone and stitched together using the PanoLab app. Its best viewed in all its 2048 x 768 glory.
I love Glasgow.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
dark have been my dreams of late___ (another wee mixtape)
Here is my latest mixtape... later than I would like and darker than normal with more of an electronica vibe albeit with some fab guitar-based indie "classics" and some remixes to spread the load.
Enjoy... and please support the artists included in the compilation.
Inspiring... Pantone Plus video
I know this is an ad... but it is a beautifully executed ad from the team who do the Cool Hunting videos.
Its inspired me in two ways...
- I now want to learn about Pantone... and their language of colour.
- I would love to make wee documentaries like this.
I don't know why I've been putting it off... other than not having the skills.
I see this as an area I want to explore... so I'm going to do it. Watch this space.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Inspiring... Mast Brothers Chocolate
I was really inspired by this video from cool hunting... I really like the idea of "craft" and handmade. Of people passionate enough to make something in a small... artisanal manner. I sometimes wish I was a craftsman... that I had a trade. Watch it and see what you think ::
The one thing Olly added was that she hoped they covered their beards when making their chocolate :-)
The one thing Olly added was that she hoped they covered their beards when making their chocolate :-)
Thursday, May 06, 2010
we are not here in this world to find elegant solutions...
"...we are not here in this world to find elegant solutions, pregnant with initiative, or to serve the ways and modes of profitable progress. no, we are here to provide for all those who are weaker and hungrier, more battered and crippled than ourselves. that is our only certain good and great purpose on earth..."michael foot
(via a tweet from Darrin Reeves)
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
My new lens... and a story involving "can" & "do"
On Friday I was given a "special recognition award" at my work... for my efforts on my current project. Without going into too much detail... I am working on a project that will introduce a SharePoint intranet to my workplace.
According to wikipedia...
"Microsoft SharePoint is a content management system with integrated search functionality developed by Microsoft that allows users to work in a web-based collaborative environment."SharePoint is a fab tool... and one that folks like me can pick up relatively easily... given time and patience.
Thing is... I am a Business Analysis. My job is to understand what the business want and translate that into requirements for my developer colleagues. I write documents. I advocate and communicate on behalf of the business. My focus is on what the business requires and not the solution that our technology can provide.
Over the last few months... not only have I been focussed on the solution... I have been building the solution.
I could have said "I don't"... I could have said it wasn't what I do and stuck to my "safe" world of business analysis.
I could also have said "I can't"... because I didn't have the skills to build within SharePoint.
But I didn't... I said "I do" and "I can"... and stepped up.
I guess I stepped out in faith... because I really didn't have the skills to start.
Anyway... I was rewarded for stepping up... with a sum of money that enabled me to buy a "nifty fifty" fifty millimetre fixed lens that can drop down to the blurtastic F/1.8 when set on Aperture Priority.
It really is a brilliant wee lens... one that takes a wee bit of getting used to compared to the standard 18-55mm autofocus lens that comes with the camera (the one I took the pics in the post with). Going from auto to manual focus is tricky... but worth it... especially when exploring shallow depth of field, the bokeh & blur. The rewards are awesome... in my humble opinion... and have enjoyed "upping my game" over this weekend.
So yeah... thanks to my work. I consider it an investment in my future.
'roid week 2010 ... my submissions
Its 'roid week 2010 and these are my submissions... one a day... starting with the pic above. Unfortunately I've run out of Polaroid film and can't justify any more film right now... especially considering buying the "nifty fifty" on Friday (more later).
So yeah... enjoy. The film was expired... pics shot on Monday... and scanned tonight on my Canon Pixma 490.
Analogue is NOT dead!
Monday, May 03, 2010
I took Dayna & Miriam to see Hamilton Mausoleum... post visit to the Low Parks Museum and pre visit to McDonalds and the Viewpark Gardens - see full photoset here.
We had a fab time... albeit... we were saddened to see the Hamilton Mausoleum surrounded by 7 foot metal fencing that meant that we couldn't explore up close and personal. We were saddened but understood this was necessary to stop the numpties who think their personal mark on history aka graffiti is more important than a building that is older and more important than they will ever be. I see their graffiti and vandalism to be a crime against me... against my community.
Anyway... the blossom on the path leading up to the Mausoleum was awesome. I hope I have done justice to the beauty there.
I love Lanarkshire!
This is way cool :: Sutemos drop "Intelligent Toys 6: We Make Music" (Sutemos027)
Sutemos have dropped the sixth instalment in their fab compilation series Intelligent Toys... which is entitled "We Make Music" (Sutemos027). They have made 51 (yes... 51 tracks) of the best bleeding edge electronica available for free download.
Sutemos are one of the reasons why I love netlabels!
Go here for more.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
This is cool :: toothpaste frothing
Every-so-often I come across a website that enthrals me... that sucks me in and makes me go "wow". toothpaste frosting is one such site... and one I would recommend you check out.
The site highlights the creative work of Catrina Dulay, a young California-based graphic designer, whose work I found really inspiring.
My thanks to notcot #30,420 for starting me on the journey of discovery.
chasing the blur____ a wee mixtape for May Day
Here is my latest mixtape... featuring another saladbowl of cherished folky, electronic and post-rock soundscapes. Here is the tracklisting:
As always... if you dig what you hear, let me know and, please, support the artists by buying or downloading (in the case of netlabels) their albums.