Another wee calendar / wallpaper ... this time for June (can you believe its June tomorrow???)
As before... Mac in 1280x800 ... Mac in 1024x768 (for my dad) ... and ... Windows in 1280x800.
I have two radio apps on my iPhone :: wunder radio for listening to BBC6 Music ... and the Fluid Radio app.
Fluid Radio is an online radiostation dedicated to "experimental frequencies" ... Channel 1 plays abstract, acoustic & neo-classical work ... whereas Channel 2 is more on the diverse, experimental acoustic & vocal genres. Not only does this site allow you hear some fantastic work that isn't going to be heard on a mainstream radio broadcast... they also review & promote material ... which brings you into a wider understanding of what's going on ... beyond the mainstream ... in netlabels & small indie labels. Well worth checking out if this is your kind of thing. If it's not, don't worry ... Simon Cowell will be back in the Autumn. Tx www.fluid-radio.co.ukAnd these days, Thomas and I are both been fond of saying that while we’ve never actually met in person, we know each other better than our next door neighbors.'tis true!
Dulux Walls - Global film for the Let's Colour Campaign by Euro RSCG LondonI know I've posted a few "adverts" over the last few days... but I found this video pretty awesome, especially with the Jonsi track in the background and the fantastic timelapse videography.
Let's Colour is a worldwide initiative to transform grey spaces with colourful paint.
This 2 minute global film was shot by multi-award winning director Adam Berg over four weeks in Brazil, France, London and India. Every location is real and they remain transformed by a palette consisting of 120 different colours. The people in the film are not actors, they are real people who rolled up their sleeves to transform their community with colour.
Read more about the Let's Colour project here.
What good is dreaming it... if you don't actually do it?Challenging words indeed. Its not enough to dream big... its to deliver big... to build it and make it happen. So let's not stop at dreaming but START.
"...we are not here in this world to find elegant solutions, pregnant with initiative, or to serve the ways and modes of profitable progress. no, we are here to provide for all those who are weaker and hungrier, more battered and crippled than ourselves. that is our only certain good and great purpose on earth..."michael foot
"Microsoft SharePoint is a content management system with integrated search functionality developed by Microsoft that allows users to work in a web-based collaborative environment."SharePoint is a fab tool... and one that folks like me can pick up relatively easily... given time and patience.