Saturday, January 09, 2010

A wee taster...

I was personally asked to provide the artwork for the next Cousin Silas album... entitled "the snow imposed silence"... by Cousin Silas himself. I was so chuffed and have been working with him over the last couple of days on the concept etc.

Above is a wee taster for the final product. I'm not sure when the album will be released on bfwrecordings but I will give you a shout when it does. I have heard the pre-release and am well impressed... it really builds upon Uncertainty.

I'll also post the full version of the artwork as soon as it is approved. Its pretty much at the wording / sizing stage.

So yeah... for a self-taught amateur... I'm pretty happy with the end result.

Thanks Cousin Silas!!!



Johnny said...

Looking good, Thomas. You've got a gift there matey...

Jonathan Blundell said...

looks great!

Gurdonark said...

Congratulations! Cousin Silas makes cool music!

love all these photography/creativity posts.


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