If I were to give any advice to a new photographer (and I consider myself one only just on the road and probably not yet one experience sufficiently to give advice) I would say...
"Carry your camera everywhere and shoot... shoot... shoot!"On Saturday... my car broke down... my folks had to come and pick up the we'ans because the recovery lorry took so long... Olly was freezing and I... well, apart from being on the phone... was taking pics... like this one ::

Pretty insane... yes... but also an opportunity not to be missed. I mean... when will I be able to take that pic again... or, for that matter, the other pics I took?
Photography is about the moment. Its about grabbing that moment like a greedy opportunist... and not letting go. Its about having eyes to see the opportunities around you... and being part of the context that allows these opportunities to happen and, in some way, reduces the uncertainty principle that comes from having a camera.
I consider myself a photographer. Yes... I am a rookie... and am always seeking to learn... but I do consider myself to be someone who practices the art and craft of photography. Its all about the practice. The doing. The being.
When I think in these terms... it makes me think of my faith... and I think of St Francis of Assisi:
“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”Its the "all times" bit that gets me. We practice the Gospel in how we live... in what we do... in who we are. Its not something that we should switch on at certain times and then leave dormant... like the poor wee point and click that only gets used for holidays or special occasions... and then lies gather dust on the shelf.
Photography is part of who I am. Its in my blood. It permeates through me.
This is how my faith should be too.
So... yeah... if I were to give any advice to a new follower of God in the way of Jesus (and I consider myself one only just on the road and probably not yet one experience sufficiently to give advice) I would say...
"Be a follower everywhere and love... love... love..!"Grab the moment... and use it to love and for love! Oh and use words only when necessary!
Thanks for this, as well as the Twitter conversation earlier. Of course my 'camera envy' comments were tongue in cheek. My biggest problem is that I forget to stick my camera in my pocket or back-pack and usually end up missing the opportunity to take some everyday pictures.
Your photography inspires me to want to get out and snap some more. Thanks for all that you share and for the encouragement that you are.
That's a cool photo (and those are cool words).
any UFO pics yet Thomas?
Thanks William & Alasdair... appreciate your comments!
Now Boyd... you are the one closer to Roswell... you've got a better chance of probing than I have. In fact, isn't it customary to get abducted in your area? I bet they never told you that in the job interview :-)
Photography is something we do, and perhaps faith as well is not only something we are but something we do--and something we become.
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