For a bag geek like myself... carryology.com makes for interesting reading. Well worth checking out. I especially like the way they take a narrow "special interest" and really run with it. Nicely done!
Tonight... whilst the we'ans were at their Band practice... I nipped over to the M8 junction at Coatbridge (near MacKinnon Mills) and took this pic. It was bizarre to park my car and take the walk to the bridge. I was alone with all the traffic passing beside me and below me. I was nervous and, to be honest, excited at the prospect of bagging a photo.
I am really pleased with how this pic has turned out... after a wee tidy up in Lightroom. Its nice to see the balance of red and white lights... and the starred lights (albeit they weren't deliberate).
"Carry your camera everywhere and shoot... shoot... shoot!"On Saturday... my car broke down... my folks had to come and pick up the we'ans because the recovery lorry took so long... Olly was freezing and I... well, apart from being on the phone... was taking pics... like this one ::
“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”Its the "all times" bit that gets me. We practice the Gospel in how we live... in what we do... in who we are. Its not something that we should switch on at certain times and then leave dormant... like the poor wee point and click that only gets used for holidays or special occasions... and then lies gather dust on the shelf.
"Be a follower everywhere and love... love... love..!"Grab the moment... and use it to love and for love! Oh and use words only when necessary!
"Something evil is happening to Photography (with a big "P"...). It's becoming homogenized by high priests of specific styles. And while homogenization is arguably good for milk and some cheeses it really sucks when it comes to arts and crafts. The problem is that when a style is promoted by one of the "strong influencers" on Flickr people ask for the technical information behind it. In the interests of keeping information free (and driving more and more traffic to their site to get some "click thru's" for advertising revenue as well as justifying display space on their sites.....free?) the influencers eagerly divulge lighting diagrams and step by step instructions. No problem with that but what happens next is the "relentless repetition tsunami". Many people who crowd around cult-like figures tend to be very literal so they end up copying the original image without adaptation or interpretation."Kurt goes on to state that "Technical Mastery is Not Art" and I would wholeheartedly agree with him.
"Their key insight is that creative ideas can only spread if they're actually adopted by others. Too much creativity, and there's not enough imitation--ideas die on the vine, because there are so many of them and few ever catch fire. For good ideas to spread, there's an optimal balance to be reached between creating and imitating."Personally I think this is too naive a point... because adopting an idea through inspiration and interpreting that idea for yourself... is NOT imitation.
"The Foto Brisko application helps photographers to find photos that they want to try and reproduce themselves. The application will find interesting photos allow you to browse them, choose the ones you are interested in shooting yourself by adding them to the shot list. When you get near the location of the shot click a button and see your location and the spot the photo was taken."Its all about reproduction rather than creation... and that doesn't interest me. I want to take my photos in these places... not seek to copy the photos of others. Don't get me wrong... it looks fab as a tool to find awesome locations... but... we should be encouraging folk to do "their thing" not copying the work of others.
"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation."Tx
"This publication is built on the kindness of strangers."I really like that sentiment.
Three more things to do:
#19 - make time to listen to podcasts... I have so many I want to listen to but don't. #20 - say thank you to the folks who make my life special. #21 - find a new "third place" in Glasgow City Centre. I intend on posting more about my things to see & do list in the coming days, weeks & months. Stay tuned. TxI'm grateful to Olly for giving me this luxurious novelty... a day-to-a-page desk calendar from Moleskine.
The moleskine cover adds a sense of transience to the calendar... and reminds me of all the fab "leather goods" gentlemen used to have when they travelled in the late 19th century, if you know what I mean? I have an extra large Moleskine diary / notebook on order to complement it. Whilst I am a huge fan of my iPhone & use it to keep my "todo" list on it (using Behance's Action Method app) ... I do like paper & pen for planning my day. For me Moleskine's are a luxury... and whilst they've become almost a cliche... I'm still a big fan... even if I have to tape the odd spine with Squash Racquet tape. TxCarrying on my wee tradition... here's January 2010's calendar.
Download via these links :: Mac / Windows & For my Dad's iBook.
Enjoy... and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!