The Zumreed "Rain Drop" is a wee iPod speaker for your bathroom. If you like your water hotter than your coffee... then you'll need to watch your electronics in the bathroom... too much steam in the air. This speaker system encases your iPod... allowing you to bring the tunes. Nice!

I have to admit a soft spot for C3PO... I think he is hilarious! It was quite natural for me to be drawn to this fab Mimbot USB drive from Mimco - they have loads of wee characters to objectify and drool over... for me, however, it has to be Threepio!

The last "thing" I've gotten all excited about is the Kremlin messenger bag from Crome...
It is MASSIVE... measuring 28" x 17" x 8" (flat) and holding 3000 cu. in. Way too big for me but then that's the appeal. Add to that their cool quick release seat-buckle closure and waterproof fabric... and you've got one awesome bag!
Been getting really into Biking/Messenger culture... and have loved watching these vids as I recover from my op (I am so desparate to get back on my bike):
Whilst on point... I have to say... I really love these bikes from Fixed Gear London x Benedict Radcliffe. Maybe a bit too flouro for me... but I do like the cut of their gib. Thanks to we heart stuff and notcot #18,654 for the headsup.
I wonder how long those bikes will take before they appear in copenhagen cycle chic... a nice wee blog that documents cyclists in Copenhagen.
Lastly, on a music tip... check out Songs of Water on myspace... they play some beautiful music using traditional "blue grass" instruments in a totally non-traditional manner. Here's their about for more info:
North Carolina-based group Songs of Water has emerged from the South East with a sound both ancient and modern in an inventive fusion. This six piece sextet, composed primarily of instrumental music, harbors a wide variety of cultural and stylistic influences. The uncommon use of the Appalachian folk instrument, the hammered dulcimer, melodically leads many of the group’s pieces, followed by the resonance of various acoustic instruments and a brooding foundation of heavy percussion. Combining Band Leader, Stephen Roach’s world music influence with the classical background of violinist Marta Richardson, the Spanish infused guitar of co-founder Jason Windsor, and multi-instrumentation of Greg Willette, Luke Skaggs and Michael Pritchard, Songs of Water creates a unique sound that reaches beyond the common mileu.Lovely! Thanks to @lovefiercely for the heads up. My kind of thing.
So yeah... that's me. I hope these links inspire you. Please leave comments and links to check out.
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