I'm getting ready for going back to work... and was wondering what other folk carry in their bags.
So yeah... this is what's in mine... although I doubt I'll be taking my camera & the gorrilapod to work.
What's in yours?
Notice anything missing from my bag??? My flippin' work pass... arrrghh!!! Ah well... the receptionist is cool.
Here's mine: http://www.flickr.com/photos/swryv/2384317863/
I added it to a 'what's in your bag' group on flickr and it got 2000 views! What's that all about?
I've finsihed the book and replaced it with Jesus Wants to Save Christians Too by Rob Bell and I've added my new iPod nano.
hehe reminds me of getting my school bag and pencil acse ready the night before returning to school after the holidays.
In my North Face Borealis is….
A Christmas card from my brother-in-law’s parents
Moleskine 2009 Diary – day per page, red.
November/Dec 2008 copy of Ministry Today – Francis Chan cover
Copy of Trailrunner magazine “Race Issue 2009”
A lime green peg?
Tin pencil case with “MotionDive” logo
2 pencils – Plastic Papermate rotaries
A few Iboprofen in a crushed box
Book - “ReJesus” by Michael Frost & Alan Hirsh
Mars Hill “Learning Communities” flyer for “Winter – Spring 09”
Book - “Pattern Recognition” by William Gibson
The Message, stuffed full of PostIt notes
Luggage sticker from a recent flight
A pack of “Stride” gum...unopened
Drivers Licence
Mia’s old Passport
A hotel pen from “Le Meridien”
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