First up is this fab post on Boing Boing that talks about stickers on laptops. I'm not one for stickers on my tech... apart from my work's IBM T41 that has an Apple sticker on it like the old powerbooks. Kind of quirky... and slightly rebellious.
As I said... I'm not a big fan of stickers on laptops but my etsy find for today could persuade me otherwise...
I really like this graphic. I connect with it as I sit here with headphones beside me watching the birds at the fatballs and seeds at my front window. All good design should encapsulate meaning... and this does for me.
This brings me to some fab iPhone wallpaper via Smashing Magazine (thanks James for the heads-up). Some fab resources here... I knew about poolga and Pixelgirl but this post highlights a number of other sites for keeping your iPhone presentable. My personal fave [ so far ] is the Star Wars one... but then you knew that.

On a music tip... I am loving Jesse Somfay's mix for allez-allez. Its more a collection of great tunes than a fancy mix... kind of like the stuff I used to do for Orange Noise Radio a while back.
The mix is one of five volumes... the other 4 are available here albeit the pipe's pretty slow (or maybe that's just me).
Another music thing I'm really excited about is http://www.tentracks.co.uk/ where for *ONE POUND* you get 10 tracks from some sweet indie labels to enjoy/sample/make into fab compilations etc. Labels like one little indian and soma have some fab tunes available. The Soma one features some seriously super techno/electronic goodness such as Vector Lovers, Slam, Silicone Soul and Funk d'void. Its a fab way to hear new music. I hope it catches on.
Speaking of catching on... I spent a while on nyctaper last night. Downloaded shows from Sigur Ros, Death Cab for Cutie, Deerhunter and Mum. Haven't listened to them yet. Got a bit carried away... like a kid in a sweetie shop.
Thing is... the site has seen some serious bandwidth since they posted the Animal Collective gigs and are struggling a bit, to be honest...
The problem of course is that the drastic increase in volume crashed the server on Wednesday morning. We allocated more memory (at more cost) on three separate occasions on Wednesday and Thursday and finally just moved the Animal Collective files to archive.org. The high volume of visits continue and more downtime resulted today. Ultimately our host server responded with a virtual shrug of the shoulders. We paid extra for a private server, but apparently this kind of traffic is not even something that upgrade can handle../The long and the short of it is... they need donations and a "white knight" sponsor... so if you enjoy what they provide... send them a wee something... and hope, as I do, that their "Prince Charming" will come along and give them what they need.

Once last thing... I thought this article on trendland was pretty special... all about "transparent design". I hope its something else that catches on.
That's me... if I haven't accredited you for a link then I'm sorry. Enjoy.
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