Sunday, January 11, 2009

My first 11 "Project365" pics...

I have to admit it... Project365 works with my obsessive-compulsive-need-to-take-pictures-with-my-iPhone disorder or OCNTTPWMi (please note... small "i").

I find its a great discipline and a fab way of remembering my life. All the photos, so far, have been taken using my iPhone and the "Helga" filter in the Camerabag app. If you have an iPhone... buy it... I totally recommend it!

Whoever came up with the Project365 idea should be given a big key to somewhere nice.

So anyway... who's doing it and what you got? Leave a link in the comments.


Theresa Seeber said...

Okay, so what is project 365 anyway?

Stewart said...

It's a flickr based 'take a picture everyday' project. I started a couple of days late. Mine are here:

weareallghosts said...

What Stewart said...

Here's more info from Photojojo



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