Fring is an app that brings VoIP to the iPhone... along with other devices - symbian, Windoze Mobile and certain Nokias.
It gives you access to MSN, Gtalk, AIM and Yahoo Messenger as well as the ubiquitous Twitter and Skype. It does give access to other less well known VoIP too, which is cool.
Whilst the messengers and Twitter only need a data connection... it does need wifi for Skype and the VoIPs to work... but still... it looks awesome... and brings to the iPhone some long requested functionality.
I believe it works with the iPod Touch too.

I have, so far, conducted an Gtalk conversation with Chris over at geek-speak and hope to try out the Skype calling capabilities tonight.
I am really excited about this as it opens up a bigger time window for JD and I talk for the something beautiful podcast.
Will keep you posted.
Caught up with Chris a wee while ago... via Skype. It works and works well... except for a wee satellite delay. Delighted.
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