Saturday, August 09, 2008
You've probably gathered by now that both Olly and I picked up new iPhones recently. I have to be honest and say I have been reluctant to post about them because I don't want to seem all boastful... and "look at me".
I am genuinely concerned that I become a stumbling block for my friends or folk who aren't my friends yet who see me as some kind of rich hypocrite... because I follow the Word-made-flesh who instructed folk that blessed are the poor in spirit.
Anyway... these are my guilt issues to resolve. They do, however, build the foundation for the following comments on the iPhone ::
I think its a great piece of kit... its "van gogh" great... ie its wonderfully creative but is flawed. The flaws tend to hover around the phone element... its like Apple have decided to make a phone from an iPod... instead of trying to build a phone that is also an iPod. Copy and paste... anyone???
I do feel, however, that the strengths of the device outshine the flaws. For example... the camera isn't that good... but the iPhone does offer geotagging and the ability to upload to sites like Flickr or Twitpic... which is fab. I will sacrifice picture quality for almost instantaneous sharing.
The apps are, for the most part, fab too... making it a real, viable extension to my lifestyle. On-the-go twitter via "Twittelator" of on-the-go "Facebook" are really important to a sad networker like myself. "Evernote" (for bookmarking & notes), "Last.FM" (an remote extension of the site that enables streaming to the iPhone), "Zembe" (for lists) and Lifecast (for blogging) make it a really valuable tool for networking and organising my life. The "remote" app for controlling iTunes is fab too.
So yeah... I am deeply fond of my iPhone and I am grateful for the opportunity (blessing) that was presented that enabled me to get one (and get Olly one too).
At the end of the day, however, it is a tool... and it is a tool I gladly give back to God and dedicate it (and its use) to Him.
If you have one then great... use it for Him! If you don't then great... use what you have for Him. Afterall... its not what we have that matters but what we choose to do with it that counts.
I will post more detail on the apps I use at somepoint. Recommendations are welcomed!
Hey bro! I'm certainly glad that God has blessed you with an iphone and hope that He will give you cool ideas on how to use it to further the kingdom. Did you see Jeff Reed's blog where he used his to control all the AV for a youth presentation? Awesome! Keep those of us still waiting for ours up to speed on the best apps. MrsG-T is getting me one for m'birthday so I'm keen to see your recommendations!