Rebecca has possibly the coolest job in the world... although this is nearly a had as I came to the party late on this (d'oh). She is Skype Nomad - traveling the world to demonstrate Skype in a mobile setting.
I'm taking up the Skype Nomad challenge to travel non-stop around the globe. Over 33 days I'll be using as many different forms of transport possible for a girl - from jumbo jets to dog sleds, canoes to camels, sky diving to revolving restaurants... Definitely not what I though I'd be doing 6 months ago.Sounds good to me... check it out at skype.com . Oh and you can follow her on twitter too. Nice.
So watch this space for my escapades, encounters, films, pics, highs and lows from my adventures in China, Alaska, Australia, USA, Europe and the UK. I'll be sending it all for free using the gadgets Skype has given me.
It's all for a good cause - the charity Motivation which helps provide ways for disabled kids to get around.
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