Tuesday, November 20, 2007
A nearly perfect day
Is it just me... or is life a blur just now? I think it was Ferris Bueller who encourages us to stop and look around once in a while.
Well... yesterday... I took his advice. Dayna and Miriam were off school for an in service day and Olly was working... so I took the day off to be dad.
Got up at 0650hrs... and read in the bath. Trying to read the NT in a year... and am in 2nd Corinthians just now. I also read from Generous Orthodoxy and spent some time in contemplation... under the bubbles.
I love it when our Cairn Terrier is there when we wake up... and its even better when I wake her up! She doesn't like getting licked all over... but expects us to! Dogs, huh???
I made breakfast for Olly and then spent some time preparing my thought for Friday night coming... The Taylor Family are out and about... and token musically-inept member (me) has the thought. I love it really.
We headed out before 1000hrs to go to the Heritage Centre - Olly hadn't been to the Techopolis and wanted to see the Techopolis. While we were there we checked out their current exhibit on the "big houses" in Lanarkshire. It was great to see the Cambusnethan Priory as a house and not as the ruins we are familiar with.
Afterwards... we headed over to the Library for a coffee and to pick up some new music. The Fray, Norah Jones and Radiohead all came home with me [more on them later].
I dropped Olly off at her work... and dropped the kids off at Olly's mums and braved the multistory carpark in Hamilton to go to the Dentist. Fourth and last appointment... 2 more fillings (yes... I know... terrible!) Its weird to be known by name at your dentist's but I am... and its a nice feeling.
Picked up the girls and headed over to Olly's work. I wanted to experience the Lunch Club for myself... I missed the regulars but got to hang with Isobel for a wee while.
I am jealous of Olly. She has a job she loves... and she always comes home with a story. The Lunch Club serves the needs of a small group of mainly elderly men who get a 3 course meal and, more importantly, some company for £2 per day.
The food was nice... I have to say that or she'll kill me... That or Isobel will get me. Lentil soup RAWKS!!! and the girls had fun on the old Cash Register in the Kitchen.
I killed some time with girls in the Salvation Army's Charity Shop. I love that shop. Picked up a Michael Palin book and Now by Maxwell for £2... all in! Nice!
Headed home with Olly for a relaxing evening... time on the iBook (check out my tumblr space for some ideas of where I've surfed...) and time with my parents, who popped through.
Olly wasn't feeling so good later on... so I ended up going out with my dad to pick up tablets >> had a great blether and catch up.
After they left... I watched an episode of Michael Palin's trip Full Circle on the iBook (borrowed for free from the Library)... on the sofa... and then in bed.
It was a nearly perfect day... if Olly was feeling better... or was, in fact, off work... it would have been perfect. It just shows you don't need to spend loads of money to have a great time. Support your local Libraries and Museums. Support your local charity shops and community initiatives.
Its true about making hay while the sun shines... Get out there... Live life. If you don't... you might just miss something worthwhile.
A lot of good ingredients in the day, Thomas (no pun intended), but important to build on what was done. These kind of days are so precious. Hope Olwyn is feeling better now.