Sunday, August 05, 2007

We're back from Summer School 07

There's been a murrr-der!

We got back from Summer School 07 last night... Its great to see the girls and Pippin again... missed them lots!

Trying to explain our experience to my folks was difficult. I feel spiritually refreshed... and physically knackered!

We have a ton of stuff for posting... Thanks to Chris... we've got a blog for Summerschool :: :: and we'll be posting some fab youtube vids, podcasts and interviews... as well as the kids stories.

For me... I want to discuss what the week meant to me. I was separated from Olly, my kids, broadband (ie separated from you lot !!!) and yet I was brought close to God and the kids. We laughed together and cried together... and shared our stories. A truly beautiful experience where I was part of something... part of the staff... and part of the drama group.

Olly and I are spending the day with the girls... so this is kind of a holding note... I'm off tomorrow and Tuesday to catch up. See you then.

Now playing: The Fratellis - chelsea dagger
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Johnny said...

Looking forward to hearing more about your week, Thomas.



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