Thursday, February 08, 2007

Motherwell really does have a heart of gold

"North Lanarkshire is the first local authority in Scotland to resettle the Congo refugees from the project, and it says a lot about the people of Motherwell and of North Lanarkshire.

"Motherwell really does have a heart of gold.

"It is so wonderful to see the efforts that local people have gone to make people feel welcome and make them feel part of the community."
Glowing praise from Home Office minister Joan Ryan. This is the side of Motherwell... where I live... that rarely gets the attention it deserves. Makes me proud to say I'm fae the 'Well!

Check out the full article [here]

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Unknown said...

We (as in Athabasca, the town I live in) are currently beginning the process of resettling a family of 7 from the Congo. It should take the better part of 2-3 years to work everything out, but we're getting ready!

weareallghosts said...

Great. Get involved. Its an easy way to demonstrate God's love in practical and meaningful ways.


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