The Soos gave the we'ans (along with Olly and myself) 5 Studio Ghibli DVDs for their Christmas. They were totally ecstatic - they love Miyazaki and his work... and really appreciate anime of this calibre.
I have to say the whole package is fantastic... characterisation... scenery... transportation... all wonderfully detailed and imagined.

Grateful thanks go to The Soos for his generousity... and his willingness to open my we'ans up to other cultures and places... especially Japan.
I would recommend you check Studio Ghibli out... better than Disney by a long way!
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I LOVE the studio Ghibli collection. I have 12 movies in the one pack. My favs are definitely My neighbour Totoro and Princess Mononoke. Laputa comes close tho! OH! And Howl's Moving Castle has an awesome story line. Watch that one if you haven't. Cheers!
Thanks to Uncle Andrew for his continued generosity and the widening of the girls' horizons in exposure to quality material.
They are good, aren't they? The animations occupy the same slot as many of the Pixar offerings - they're great for kids but have enough asides for the adults to make them family films.
They're also useful as they give an insight into Japanese spirituality. "Spirited Away" in particular gives a useful insight into Japanese shamanism and animism.
I much prefer Ghibli to the majority of Anime - mainstream Anime (with the exception of the likes of Ghost in the Shell and Akira) are incredibly impenetrable to the western mind!
see , i am right in my Soos(z?) theory. the soos is like your resource for wisdom and new culture. a mythical creature helping you tap into the collective unconcious
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