Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Sacred Council

From Screendumps

My mate Royzoner sent me a wee link to this total wacky ((yes!!! wacky)) video that he's made.
The Sacred Council is a fifteen minute comedy documentary on the lives of misfits that have been taken over by mysterious Sock Puppets. We've got a fantastic cast of improv actors, a great soundtrack from Albert Chon Carter. It all seems to flow really well, considering we devised and shot it over a weekend.
I personally love the music... and hope to collab with Roy in the future for videos for ((deep)). As for the film itself - it shows great promise and, although its a bit weird, it is pretty off-the-wall funny too.

Check it out :: here

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1 comment:

Tom Underwood said...

Hi, I'm the ginger guy from the Sacred Council film! I'm a friend of Lloyd and Roy Peterson, isn't it a small world. Very strange to find my picture on your blog!


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