The gathering happened! Yeah! 10 folk turned up... including a chap I hadn't met before (Tim - a friend of Innes). Roscoe came in from Bellshill and Dan even traveled from Glenrothes to hang out... which was way cool.
After brief introductions... everybody just chilled and the conversation just kind of flowed. Its a beautiful thing to see people connect. Everyone just opened up and started to blether.
Connections were made. Ideas conceived. Dots were joined. Numbers & email addresses swapped (I love my moo cards!)
A couple of things that made the night a success:
(1) Julie pointed Paul towards a Christian charity who invest their funds by providing up to 3/4s of a person's mortgage. They see their money protected and the worker gets to do their thing without the overhead of a full mortgage. Nice!
(2) Jonathan inspired Dan to consider movie nights in Glenrothes. Jonathan is part of the Glasgow Central Fellowship and their movie nights at The Kog Cafe are really cool. It was sweet to see Dan's mind running with the idea. Success!
Thanks to everyone who came... including Darren who ran away before my phone came out for pics...

Here's to the next one. Keep posted.
sounds like I missed a great night. Gotta be a Gathering in London one day! ;-)
You and I could have one??
Cool to be part of Thomas. And my works vehicle was still in one piece exactly where I left it! Looking forward to future gatherings.
Thanks for arranging... good to meet the guys.
please tell Julie not to bring the cattle prod next time
Sounds as if a successful evening - when can you have another one - Im coming down from Orkney on hols and work business in Kilmarnock 12-23 February - it would be good to meet 'new' and 'familiar' faces and people,
Every Blessing, Matthew.
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