The pens can be sourced here (i think) and make for an interesting question... what kind of pen do you prefer with your moleskine (or other generic notebook)???
Personally, I like a tiny wee four colour pen that my daughter, Dayna, introduced to me (ie I pinched hers) - its small: maybe 2 inches; has four colours and is cheap: 4 for £1 in In Store. I'm not a Mont Blanc kind of guy... although secretly I am... deep inside.
Thanks JD for the link... and we'll get you into moleskines sometime soon (I know I can't convert you to Mac... so I have to try something else Zuneboy!!!)
Technorati Tags: moleskine
Tesco do a three pack of Liquid Ink Rollerball Pens, fantastic for notes and Ink sketches, think its not much more than a quid, can't remember.
What a great tip! Thanks for it! I going to look around in my hometown, I hope it's available here, in Debrecen, Hungary.
I using a Pilot G2 pen, the small one. It's a nice, little, short pen, but you can't put inside the Moleskine, becouse it's a bit puffy... more than a regular pen.
4-colour, but full size. My diary lives in my inside jacket pocket, and my pen lives in one of the other pockets so I always have them both. My notebook lives wherever it wants, but since I always wear the same jacket I always have a pen handy.
The lifehacker article mentioned that even the flat pens make the cover of your notebook bulge alarmingly - I think I'll continue keeping my pens in another pocket.
Just an FYI - after looking into the Zune a bit more I think I'll still stick with Toshiba's Gigabeat. The idea that MS pushed "Plays for Sure" for the last year and then released and Mp3 player that won't recognize the files is pretty frustrating.
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