Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas y'all

I would like to wish everyone who is part of the ol' nanolog community... and anyone else who is maybe here for the first time... a joyous and blessed Christmas. Surround yourself with what means the most to you... and celebrate the birth of a true revolutionary. Christmas is about Him... without Him... its a pretty worthless and empty event.

I would like to thank the following people for their love over the last year... (in no real order)

Andy W | Pernell | Chris & Dawn | weebeautifulpict | existentialpunk | Nuno | mathaionios | Studgie & Wee Emma | JD fae Texas | Joel | Dan & Carol Ann | Lard | Ally Smith | Paula | Johnny Laird | take broken me | John & Jean in Aus | Janey & Roscoe | Roy

As well as...

My Salvation Army people :: Our officers... Alec & Andrea, Matthew & Debbie in Kirkwall, Clare B, Kenny & Sarah, Bobby & Diane and my mate Jon G.

My brother from another mother (and father) :: J :: Love you man! My friend and workmate - Barry... and my folks and family.

My blogging inspiration... Jonny Baker and Andrew Jones.

I would especially like to thank my best friend (who is not Olly) - The Soos - who is a huge inspiration in my life and whose generosity amazes me.

Last, but by no means least, my all-in-all and soul bride, Olly for just being wonderful

Love you all. May God's peace be with each and everyone of you at this time.


Anonymous said...

Ditto, mate! LOVE you! Adele/EP

John said...

And the same to you and yours Thomas. May y'all know the abundance of His presence at this celebration time.

Be encouraged.

caldjr said...

A pleasure to be part of the nanalog community. Hope to meet up again soon.
every blessing for 2007
Dan, Carol-Anne & Kathryn

Johnny said...

Thanks for the kind greetings, Thomas.

I've been on a blogging hiatus for a few days over Christmas, as my family have been over from the US.

Blessings to you and yours over this Christmas time. I'm hanging on to it as long as I can!



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