Card to Handle
Originally uploaded by richardmoross.
Calling all FLICKR pro pals... Moo.com have a wonderful product... Basically, the create Rizla sized mini-cards from your FLICKR pics that you can use a cool business/calling cards.
Received a sample of ten today and LOVE them... got the headers from both my blogs made into cards... and they look sweet.
You can get 100 for $19.99... which is pretty good for something you just want/need to give away.
Thanks to JB and Cool Hunting for the heads-up.
Yes I heartily agree-- ordered mine last week from all my drawings on flickr. The moo cards are just the thing to break out of the normal business card mode.
Aaw, the 10-card sample packs are gone. I'm now uploading lots more pictures to flickr so I have some interesting stuff to put on a full pack! Curse you Thomas, you're makine me spend money again! :)
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