Studgie will now be forever known as Stu Dapples for this...
Technorati Tags: photos
"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.Matthew 5: 3-10 (The Message)
"You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.
"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are—no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.
"You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat.
"You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-full,' you find yourselves cared for.
"You're blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.
"You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family.
"You're blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God's kingdom.
The coffee chain's aggressive growth also hinges on what the company calls "infill" — adding stores in cities where its mermaid logo is already commonplace. In some cases, that means putting a Starbucks within a block of an existing store, if not closer.../This is going to affect the indies... and that concerns me. What do you think?
/...Despite such saturation — and plans for much more — Starbucks insists that it sees very little cannibalization of its existing business when a new store opens. In fact, the company says, one reason would-be customers don't end up buying a Starbucks drink is because the line is too long. One solution is to open up another store nearby.
Technorati Tags: starbucks
Values and principlesWow! This is the Salvation Army I am proud of!
1. Sally Ann will be run according to the values of The Salvation Army. This will be reflected in giving care and showing respect for all the needs of a person.
2. The business activities of Sally Ann will be distinguished by emphasis on solidarity, equality and fairness.
3. Products traded by Sally Ann will whenever possible be acquired by means of using third world enterprises or programs controlled by The Salvation Army
4. All employees working for Sally Ann in third world countries shall receive fair compensation for their work and help to improve their living conditions. They will be supported in developing an independent life and livelihood, including pursuit of safe and wholesome opportunities outside of the Sally Ann organization.
5. Sally Ann will seek to choose to work with companies that are best suited to maintain the vision and goals of the Sally Ann project. Sally Ann will influence its partner companies and contacts to help promote and develop fair trade.
6. Sally Ann will base its activities on profitability. Revenues are absolutely necessary to ensure that we have access to the resources needed, to uphold the development desired and to reach the goals established. All profits made from the operation of Sally Ann will be used to develop the Sally Ann project further.
7. Sally Ann will be distinguished by maintaining openness and complete honesty in all activities.
Technorati Tags: fair trade, salvation army
Instead of having traditional ‘hand pumps' over boreholes, the team at PlayPump™ install unique children's roundabout powered PlayPumps™. As the children play on a roundabout, it drives a pump which extracts the water which is then pumped into massive storage tanks.Watch the video here :: link
Each PlayPump™ is built near a school or crèche so there is never a shortage of willing volunteers to help power the pumps!
So far over 650 have been installed, and because they are proving to be the ‘way forward' we're sure that we'll be funding many more in the years to come.
So that's it – you buy One here – you're changing lives in a very unique way there. And if you ever want to go and see one, or help install one, just let us know and we'll try to arrange it for you.
Technorati Tags: electronica, drum n bass
Trafficking is an evil and unjust industry that makes slaves of more than 2 million people every single year. 50% of the victims are children. People are lured with false promises of a better life into horrendous labour conditions, domestic slavery and sexual exploitation. We want to pray fervently for an end to this slave trade and to see God's justice and freedom become a reality for it's victims and a redeeming grace and God's lawful justice for the oppressors.The main hall will have prayer stations to focus our mind on the world and the millions of people falsely imprisoned in this way.
Technorati Tags: miho hatori,
Since the beginning, we’ve tried to do things in community. It’s not “God gave Pernell a vision and he manipulates people to follow it.” We lead in community, without the hierarchy or structure that you have in many Army corps. We want to encourage people to become missional followers of Jesus, rather than belonging to programs. It makes it messy and challenging to lead, but it’s always better when Jesus works and speaks through us as a community of faith.Inspirational! Check out the full article here and then follow the link to my response on the Hardthought.
Technorati Tags: salvation army, the freeway
Having grown up in The Salvation Army, I felt that the way we had traditionally done things wouldn’t connect with the demographic we wanted to reach. We interviewed people in our area and documented what they thought about God, spirituality and church. Using this method, we were able to identify the stumbling blocks that prevent people from participating in a community of faith. Personally, I wanted to be part of a church that I could bring people to and was living what it said about Jesus.../Important!
/...As for our philosophy of ministry, we completely resonate with the Army’s holistic mandate of “heart to God, hand to man.” We don’t want to be labelled a corps or a social service, we don’t talk in a Salvation Army language, but we do consider ourselves Jesus-followers. We love Army history, but don’t want to be bound by it. Our people don’t resonate with the traditional Army culture of bands, uniforms and military structure. At the same time, we don’t feel the rest of the Army necessarily needs to become like us.../
/...we’ve designed the Freeway as a safe place, a neutral ground. The non-religious surroundings make it easier for people to open up and be themselves. We believe that the relationships we are forming with our neighbours should be integrated with their normal day-to-day life. When the Christian Church got started 2,000 years ago, it existed seamlessly in the community—in people’s homes and in the marketplace—not because it was trying to be relevant, but because that’s where everyday life happened.../
/...Since the beginning, we’ve tried to do things in community. It’s not “God gave Pernell a vision and he manipulates people to follow it.” We lead in community, without the hierarchy or structure that you have in many Army corps. We want to encourage people to become missional followers of Jesus, rather than belonging to programs. It makes it messy and challenging to lead, but it’s always better when Jesus works and speaks through us as a community of faith.
Superhero share the same record label as Delirious? and play passionate, upbeat, indie-rock. This year they played at the Soul Survivor, New Wine, Imagine and Greenbelt festivals as well as touring extensively in Europe.Anyone fancy it?
Superhero have one goal, to reach people with the gospel. Their music is intense and passionate, meaningful and full of truth. They have played in some of the coolest venues in the UK such as the Carling Academy, Manchester Apollo, King Tut's in Glasgow, the SECC, The Forum in London, performed live in the MTV studios; They have also had singles released in the UK, South Africa, New Zealand and others.
I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member... but the 9rules.com network is different. My mate Andy White encouraged me to submit the ol' nanolog... and I have. Here's hoping.
“With the assets Starbucks has in terms of number of stores, and the trust we have with the brand, and the profile of our customers, we’re in a unique position to partner with creators of unique content to create an entertainment platform and an audience that’s unparalleled.”
Coffeecan grow...and it needs you. It is a house... it needs you to make it a home. Now that's where the heart is!
Culture & Counter-Culture
Technorati Tags: starbucks
Technorati Tags: salvation army, blogs
The WSJ carried an interesting story today about a woman whose quest to clean up the Tenderloin's streets raised the hackles of the seedy denizens of the neighborhood.../I'm not big on the whole gentrification thing... Olly and I live in North Motherwell... we live in a nice house in a nice part of a pretty rough area. That's the draw of cheap houses. Thing is... I love the character of the neighbourhood and want to give back - I'm now (as of tonight) the secretary of our neighbourhood council... and do enjoy walking around albeit preferably in the daylight.
The article includes a lot of quotes from ex-prostitutes and ex-drug addicts who want to preserve the character of their neighborhood but conspicuously absent are any quotes from current prostitutes and addicts. One can't help but wonder if perhaps the currently indigent wouldn't mind a sprucing up of their neighborhood.
Technorati Tags: faith, tenderloin
"As a kid, I listened to my walkman every day on the way to school,” he says. “I would stare out of the window of the train and everything was so visual, so coordinated with the music, like a music video. Since then I’ve approached all my records from a visual standpoint.”King Britt
Technorati Tags: delirious?, glasgow
Technorati Tags: delirious?, glasgow
Technorati Tags: illustration, jon burgerman
who: people like you.I like the sentiment... Let's have more coffee mornings / afternoons / evenings!
what: an opportunity to enjoy coffee and conversation.
why: because drinking good coffee with likeminded people is fun.