OK... I deleted the previous post... worried that people might misinterpret the message... but I have had second thoughts!
Spread the word :: link
We are not looking to replace anything here... we are looking to widen the Army and help it's people, especially its younger people, to have a deeper love for Jesus and a greater knowledge of Him. Revival is no longer numbers but quality... and this helps one person then hey... its been worth it!
The gist of the meeting was that Ivor is fully behind this... totally, passionately behind this! It will happen!
I have been asked to take this to the Strategy Board for their review / approval... with Ivor's sponsorship... and have a proposal paper to write... in 3 weeks!!!
Thank you to everyone who has supported this venture so far!
In no order... thanks to Pernell*... to Janey & Roscoe... to Chris... and Dan... and to Matt, the Orkney massive... to my pal, Alistair... and Humfer... and Mr Laird... Bobbito & Diane... Kenny & Sarahbell... to JD & EP in the States...
Special thanks to Olly and Jon for making it happen with me! Love you all. Its going to happen, God willing!
it will happen.... and we support you
love u too
janey and rosco xoxo
CONGRATS! Will continue to pray. i am SO excited for you guys! Keep us posted, as i know you will do! :)
superb! Great to hear of such exciting visions being grabbed hold off with both hands by senior SA people. I pray Gods continued blessing on this plan, and on you and Jon as you develop the proposals for the Strategy board.
Incidentally, thanks for the ppt slides - got them before you deleted the first post! great stuff within including some things that with your permission, i will unashamedly steal for a presentation i have to do at a job interview next sat. Cant put too much on my blog as people I work for and with read the blog so don't know I'm looking elsewhere, but suffice to say its slightly out of my comfort zone but well inside the God zone working in my community with the Youth. Some of your quotes will hopefully blow the interview panel away!
Further prayer still....awaiting on God's direction for ((deep)) and ((wide)) - dream of the fountain that will flow with God's blessings poured on his people and those whose paths, hands, minds and hearts he directs in this vision....
For the cause, Matthew.
We prayed for you at our cell on wednesday night and will continue to keep you in our thoughts.
Am sure things are going to happen and in a big way.
k x
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