The Clyde from the train
Originally uploaded by Headphonaught.
...a great weekend. I can just feel it.
...a great weekend. I can just feel it.
While the editors and many of the writers at Geez are Christians, readers need not be. As Braun suggests: “We’re writing for people who have some kind of love-hate relationship with religion, as many of us do.” According to the magazine’s mission statement, Geez is for “the over-churched, out-churched, un-churched and maybe even the un-churchable.” This far-flung constituency likes to respond in the magazine’s lively letters page, denouncing Geez as “post-modern drivel” put out by “pretentious bohos” or praising it as “a great joy and comfort.”.../
/...Geez recognizes that it holds a certain appeal for “the disgruntled children of hook-line-sinker conservative Christians,” but the editors carefully dodge any attempts to label the mag “cool.”Check out the interview here and give the mag some of your time... if you can get your hands on a copy.
Technorati Tags: geez
One of my Flickr pals... Doc18... has posted a pic with him wearing a sweet tee. Like it.
Technorati Tags: delirious?, tim hughes
Technorati Tags: soul music, vinyl
* M577 Audrey, M670 Victor and M1500 Ian.They drop at ((Hanon-Shop)) on Saturday, 30th September @ 1230hrs... Set your iCal accordingly.
* 1906 pairs of each style worldwide.
* Certificate of Authenticity included.
* Assembled solely in the UK Flimby Factory situated in the Lake District.
* Footwear detailing includes a centenary woven tongue label with an illustration of the coastal view from the factory.
* Customised illustrated Centenary insole signed off by Victor, Audrey and Ian for each individual model.
Technorati Tags: sneakers
Passport to... Rome, London, Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Prague.I really do like this... interactive travel guides of some of the fabbest places on the planet... all on the PSP.
* Uniquely interactive travel guides exclusively available on PSP (PlayStation Portable).
* Get the low-down on over 250 of the hottest restaurants, bars, clubs, hotels, shops and sights.
* Discover the city with easy-to-use maps, scene-setting movies, essential info and audio phrasebook in 5 languages.
* Plan your perfect trip on-the-go, create your own itinerary, or choose from a selection ready-made.
* Split from the beaten track with inspirational audio tours and download updates online.
Technorati Tags: travel
Technorati Tags: compilations
The neighborhood record store was once a clubhouse for teenagers, a place to escape parents, burn allowances and absorb the latest trends in fashion as well as music. But these days it is fast becoming a temple of nostalgia for shoppers old enough to remember “Frampton Comes Alive!’It seems the neighbourhood record store is under threat from iTunes & downloading...according to the NYT.
Around the country, he (Eric Levin) said, shops like Grimey’s in Nashville, Shake It Records in Cincinnati and Other Music in New York are hanging on to young customers by evolving into one-stop hipster emporiums. Besides selling obscure CD’s and even vinyl records, many have diversified into comic books, Japanese robot toys and clothing. Some have opened adjoining nightclubs or, in Mr. Levin’s case, coffee shops.Don't you just love it when coffee comes to the rescue!
Technorati Tags: edinburgh
Technorati Tags: gourock
Picked these babies up last week for £9.00... Yes... NINE quid!
TK Maxx rules!!! They are a premium leather upper... very shiny and soft... in the shape of the Clyde or States. I haven't actually seen these babies on the 'net... and don't even know what they are called. But they are lovely.
Proving you can look fresh on a budget... if you know what to pick.
Yesterday was one web day :: a celebration of the web and all the good things it has brought.
Well I thought I'd share a wee bit about how this interweb thing has changed my life... and I mean changed!!!
Take the photo above... took it yesterday near my work in the Merchant City in Glasgow. There was a French street market on... and I love playing with the panorama function on my SE750i. Anyway, I posted it to my Flickr account and tagged it with onewebday as recommended on the Beeb. The photo has been view a number of times and was picked up by the NowPublic news site. Cool!
Flickr is a great tool for sharing with people, creating informal networks and developing visual awareness. I'm not a trained artist like the Soos or Olly and Flickr is an amazing tool to help me learn.
What else? Well think of this here Nanolog and the community that has evolved around it. I can keep my family uptodate with my goings on... Folk like my folks... the Soos and ssoosay.com... Janey & Roscoe... Bobbito & Diane... Jon G... Studgie & Wee Emma...
I can converse with really great people who I have never met... cool folks like EP / Andy / Paula / Roy / Laura Lou / JD / Nuno / [pernell*] / Johnny L / Matt / Joel
I have also met some wonderful people who I can keep in touch with over the web... folk like DJ Haggis / Stevie / Chris H / Al to name just a few.
Now you know why I call it a community... and I love it!
Blogging has really opened me up to God's love... and all that is happening in the world... especially concerning the wonderful new expressions of church that are emerging all over the world. It has also crystalised my feelings... my faith... you get the whole of me on the nanolog... not just one small part.
So what else has the ol' infosupahiway allowed me to do? Well I can podcast great sermons via iTunes and Chris' site :: http://www.councilofwar.co.uk/. I can realise a dream to DJ via JD's start up :: Lighthouse21 - going to be doing 90 min mixes soon that JD will stream... cool!
This is just the tip of the iceberg. The net has revolutionised my life with some help from Apple and Belkin for the whole wi-fi... mobile thing.
Thanks to everyone who is journeying with me.
...an urban mission agency that recruits, equips, deploys and networks self-financing teams pioneering creative and relevant expressions of the Christian church in under-churched areas of the inner city.Their approach is very interesting... especially relating to self-financing. A concept that Innes J independently spoke about recently...and now something in place and working.
1) Social ActionThis is my view too... The Army, as a movement, is very dear to me... but I get frustrated when people get mixed up and view our style of worship as being the most important.
2) Mission
3) Discipleship
4) Worship
Technorati Tags: music
PASADENA, CA—Three of the five deepest emotional investments of local resident Ken Bowman are currently Apple, American Apparel, and Starbucks, sources close to the 27-year-old graphic designer said Monday. "American Apparel makes a strong debut this year, surging ahead of [Bowman's girlfriend] Missy [Levenson], Diesel and Tom's Of Maine," Bowman's roommate and marketing consultant Dean Childers said. "Ken's mother is still a solid number five, but Skechers is down to the seventh spot from number two last year, a drop which may spell wider implications." Missing from this year's list were Roomba, Bowman's cat Pepsi, and Childers himself.Roy, you are so right! This is way too close to home.
Technorati Tags: funny
Technorati Tags: podcast, salvation army
Thousands of people are still losing their lives...I believe in action... we are told to act ::
Despite the signing of a Darfur peace agreement on 5 May 2006, the violence in western Sudan has not stopped; in fact, in some parts of Darfur, the violence has grown worse.
People are still being killed and raped and displaced - every single day.
On September 17 people around the world will take part in the Global Day for Darfur to show world-wide support for the Darfuri people and to put pressure on our Governments to protect the civilians.
Don't fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear! Those who hear and don't act are like those who glance in the mirror, walk away, and two minutes later have no idea who they are, what they look like.James 1: 22-24 (The Message)
Follow your animal instincts in the kitchen...put on one of these insulating mitts before touching anything hot! Their mega mouths will protect you from burns and put a smile on your face while they're at it! HOT HEADS are flexible, grippy, strong, safe...and charming. Handsome plastic display boxes. 100% virgin silicone is temperature-tolerant from -58 degrees to 446 degrees.Check them out at Perpetual Kid
Technorati Tags: home
Saviour’s vision was born out of many years of prayer and desire to see people of all ages being confident about who they are and what they are about. At the same time we wanted to be cutting edge, bold, fresh and real because that’s what we believe Jesus is about.Not a big fan of anything labelled "Christian"... I tend to reject ghettos... but I like this!
Technorati Tags: electronica, net labels
What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?Mahatma Gandhi
Technorati Tags: salvation army, podcasts
Technorati Tags: new music, derek webb