HUGE thanks to my man...
The Soos... for getting me a ticket to the
TrocaBrahma event at the
Usher Hall in Edinburgh.
Gilles Peterson (my fav DJ) is doing a set as well as a live set from...
Seu Jorge (the chap who played
Pelé Dos Santos in Wes Anderson's
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou). He plays some sweet, kind of weird, David Bowie covers on the Soundtrack... Love his sound.
UK hip-hop
Sway is going to be there as are
Drumagick... 7 hours of the sound of now - I
so can't wait!!!
Thanks bro for keepin' watch for the best of the best... You my man!
GP has recorded 6 podcasts to support the tour and his compilation. Looks supersweet. Some cool interviews and some exclusive sessions. Its downloading as I type - check it out.
Technorati Tags: brazilian music
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