Reflections 2
Originally uploaded by Headphonaught.
Last Thursday, I received a sweet phonecall from Dayna... She informed me that we were going to have a picnic at Lanark Loch :: I love getting a "you're not going home, just yet" phonecalls from Olly and the we'ans - sweet!
It was lovely and warm... and the Gaither Vocal Band and Nightmares on Wax were on the iPod (not together tho')... Everything was building to a super evening... until we hit the signs for the Lannimer parade...
On the first Thursday of June... every year... Lanark shuts down and celebrates its past... with copious amounts of alcohol.
The routes we normally took to get into the town were shut off... and we had to travel quite a bit to skirt the parade. We eventually got into Lanark, got our fish-fry and went to the Loch.
It was wonderful to have a picnic with Olly, the we'ans and Pippin... even if the Neds in cars thought it cool to do wheelspins in the dust of the gravel carpark. Dust clouds are annoying on a sunny day.
It was a lovely evening and thanks go to Olly for masterminding the evening - you're a gem, honey!
Gaithe vocal band? OH MY GOSH! You crack me up!
Hey hey... The Gaither Vocal Band are cool in an old school, back-in-the-day, gimme that ol' time religion kind of way.
I love the harmony and Guy Penrod's voice is so good!
Trust me!
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