I posted this pic on the
((nanolog)) yesterday. I am falling for the
Caffe Nero near Queen St station in Glasgow.
Anyway, I wondered what the espresso machine was... as in
it would be really cool to have one of those
It is a
((Faema e91 "diplomat")) and can be sourced through
((Miko)) who offer the complete range of
Faema espresso machines.
No indication of pricing... but it would certainly look the part, both aesthetically and professionally... and it makes fine lattes!
500 squid for the "3-group" version on eBay! If only... :)
Faema E91 Diplomat A3 for sale...New machine fully automatic..machine come with one year warranty..Checked and tested.
Category E91 Diplomat
Heating - Electrical
Range - 2 -4 coffee groups
Features - Semi automatic OR automatic espresso coffee and cappuccino machine with programmable portion control
- 2 swivelling steam wands with sliding controls
- 1 swivelling hot water wand
- Cappuccinomatic® - the espresso and the frothed milk are delivered directly into the same cup - with programmable dosing control
- Built in volumetric pump
- Electronic boiler water refill
- Guage indicator for boiler and pump pressure
- Standard electrical cup-warmer
Body - Die cast aluminium, stainless steel and makrolon casing
Colour - Blu pearl blue metallic
Optional - Computer interface
Digital Lcd
you can contact me to arrange a viewing
also available are single groups E61 faemas and package deals
better deals than anywhere including miko
but 1 hell off a machine
you can get it off me
07792 585291
Thank you Samir... Not there yet but will keep you in mind.
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