Every year on the last weekend in May, part of the main street in Bellshill is shut off for the Bellshill Street Fayre. There are loads of attractions for the we'ans and all the churches and charities have stalls... the Salvation Army included.

Our officers managed to get one of the
Emergency Response Vehicles :: the ones used at emergencies :: as a attraction... we sold tea/ coffee/ and hot rolls... and had a small stall.
We don't do this as a fundraiser... even though we raised £420! We do it as a means of engaging people and letting them know about us. One lady came to church on the Sunday as a result of a chat, which was really encouraging.

The band play a set for an hour :: 1200-1300hrs :: and this attracts people. There are still people out there who relate to a brass band... especially in post-industrial communities like Bellshill.
I also love the Street Fayre for crate diggin' opportunities... Unfortunately, I could see any vinyl... but did pick up some CDs (4 for a £1) ::
* [Turn off the light - single] ::
Nelly Furtado :: contains a fab remix by
Timbaland and a lovely acoustic version of [I'm like a bird]... sweet!
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club eponymous debut album... and
* [your new favourite band] ::
the HivesWhat was that, you said?
"I said 4 CDs but only listed 3..." well...er OK...
* [barbie girl] ::
Aqua :: its for Dayna, honest!
Anyway, it was fab to go to the Street Fayre with Janey and Olly... We headed to Hamilton afterwards and had fantastic filled crouisants at
Kaldi's - a lovely wee cafe at the shops that is even better since the smoking ban! They serve
old brown java which is a fav coffee of mine. Olly and I used to meet at Kaldi's when we were
courting and it holds special memories of holding hands at lunchtime on a Saturday. Lovely day!