
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

New Music :: ((prayers ep)) by [Transient]

Love this too!

Found this album at the netlabel :: observatory :: its a 5 track ep filled to the brim with meditative, ambient electronic goodness... the kind of tunage I really dig. This is top quality IDM with interesting beats and found sounds with production that reminds me of Orbital

Check it out...

Website :: ((observatory))

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New Music :: ((La futura mirada del ex tenista)) by [Sebastian Kramer]

Love this...

Surfing the netlabels on (( and found ((sello records)) :: a small netlabel from La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Unfortunately it looks like I have arrived too late ::
Sello.Records has finished. We're glad to offer this nice and interesting stuff. The page will continue on-line. Thanks to the artists and to the downloaders. Bye.
Oh no!

They have left a legacy of 9 releases of which ((La futura mirada del ex tenista)) by [Sebastian Kramer] is their 7th. I'm not a big rock fan... (I am so in denial!!!) but found this album intriguing. Its pretty downtempo with the focus on guitar-orientated walls of sound... kind of "shoegazer" if you know what I mean... Reminds me of Lost in Translation soundtrack.

Well worth your time... Check it out.

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Parked up :: The Wandering Scribe gets a book deal

((BBC NEWS | Magazine | Parked up))

I am absolutely delighted to hear that Anya aka ((wandering scribe)) has signed a book deal which will detail her valley experience.

One thing that caught my eye in the BBC News article is this quote ::
"I don't ever want it to happen again. I didn't have the security net of people and relationships before when things went wrong. I'll never try to do it on my own again. This is a fantastic second chance."
I think of what I have :: my faith... the people in my life... the things that occupy my spare time... and realise I am truly blessed!

This quote also makes me think of what I have to offer :: creating/being community & forming relationships that act as the security net of people. This is the hand to man part of our mission.

Think different!

Funny :: Joy of Tech today

((joy of tech))

Made me think... we get hung up with [evangelism] as a concept... but if you substitute [evangelism] with [enthusiasm] then the issue seems, to me, clearer.

I am a Mac advocate... Really enthusiastic about Apple... especially their consumer kit :: iBook/ MacBook + iPod etc... Everyone knows this...

Let's get enthusiastic about Jesus and share His love and grace... not as some "roman" sales pitch but as part of a "celtic" cultural embrace.

To use an Apple phrase, its time to think different!

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Cool :: [Massive Attack] in session with Dermot O'Leary

Check it out before this Saturday... Massive Attack recorded a live set at the BBC's Maida Vale studios and 4 tracks were played on ((Dermot O'Leary's Saturday Show))

Well worth checking will finish on Saturday, 3rd do it quick, like!

Missed it live but replayed it via the above stream and recorded it with iRecord :: loving it! Sounds really vibrant live...

Tracks ::
* Unfinished Sympathy
* Live with me (ft Terry Callier)
* Teardrop (ft. Elizabeth Fraser)
* Inertia Creeps

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

This weekend :: Monday

Olly & Daniel

I was off on Monday... We met up with Olly's folks... and her sister and bro-in-law at the Meeting Place at Hamilton Salvation Army for some lunch. Its fab to support their work in the community and the mushroom soup was fantastic!

Later on... we headed over to Kenny & Sarah's for a homegroup gathering and bbq... Fantastic turnout >> over 30 folk there... with 4 folk there for the first time. I found it really encouraging as a leader to see everyone comfortably socialising together. For me this was/ is church... even before Rena (below) brought out her squeezebox for a sing-song... its about sharing and community and fellowship and just being together... Truly a lovely experience to not only witness but take part in.

Check out the rest of the photos here :: ((link))

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Monday, May 29, 2006

This weekend :: Da Vinci Code

Went with a group from the church to see the ((Da Vinci Code)) on Sunday night... Figured that we need to be conversant with it...

My thoughts on the film and the book are quite simple... they will not make you lose your faith in Jesus but may make you question your faith in the Catholic Church as an institution...

Why? Apart from some comments about the divinity of Jesus being decided by man... Jesus as God is pretty much left alone... Reference is to Jesus as a man...

Thing is... I believe in Jesus as being truly human and truly divine... and it is as easy for me to relate to Jesus as a father and a husband as it is to relate to the creator of the universe as a man in the first place.

What the film and book do is create noise... this noise diverts our attention from Jesus :: we worry about Mary... and scandal... and worry about cover-ups and all that malarky... and in doing so, we miss the point... Jesus was an inspirational man... this is true! but it is through His death and glorious resurrection that we have new life. This isn't mentioned in the Da Vinci Code... and why should it? This is a book of secular fiction.

At the end of the day... the greatest story ever told is still true. Jesus is still the saviour of mankind... and Dan Brown has made a lot of money.

Oh and ((Audrey Tautou)) is gorgeous!

If we can learn from this experience then I would say ::

* Read / watch the offending book / film before condemning - this makes your argument more plausible...and authentic.
* Don't be so public in your condemnation... because this sells more books / tickets.
* Destroy their argument through debate & discussion :: instead of trying to silence them.

Thanks to Bobbito & Diane for buying my ticket... and Charlene for buying the popcorn.

In closing, Robert Langdon, at the end of the film, states that "it all depends on what we believe..." - I believe in Jesus!

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This weekend :: Thought

"I've told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends. You are my friends when you do the things I command you. I'm no longer calling you servants because servants don't understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I've named you friends because I've let you in on everything I've heard from the Father.

"You didn't choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won't spoil. As fruit bearers, whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he gives you.

"But remember the root command: Love one another."
John 15 :: 11-17 [the message]

On Sunday morning, Alec spoke on John 15 :: 1-17. He commented on the personal nature of this text.

Sunday was great because we had an open testimony period... We had 9 testimonies (I was one) in total, which... for any testimony time... is a record. The Lord is really working in Bellshill and people were bursting to tell their fellows.

Rena spoke of her delight at seeing the person she had spoken with at the Street Fayre came along... and followed up with our need to be "out there in the big, bad world" - a thought we share.

Anyway, my thoughts have been on love lately and the way churches tend to rip themselves apart from the inside out. Its like the analogy of the boiling frog - outside persecution is easily seen as an attack and we react accordingly... but attacks from within are more subtle... and we react like a frog where the temperature is slowly raised.

We need to love each other :: its a commandment! Olly and I are witnessing a church community going through real pain because people are simply not following this commandment ((not Bellshill btw)).

We need to love one another the way Jesus loved us. This is truly the very best way to love. Putting others before ourselves is something we need to learn and relearn.

Reading ((tallskinnykiwi)) it scares me the way we are comfortable fighting with other Christians instead of taking the fight outside... Andrew Jones is a person I deeply respect for his innovation in new expressions of church in today's post-modern culture. To see him attacked in this way hurts... and I don't even know the guy beyond his blog. Where is the love?

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This weekend :: Bellshill Street Fayre

Every year on the last weekend in May, part of the main street in Bellshill is shut off for the Bellshill Street Fayre. There are loads of attractions for the we'ans and all the churches and charities have stalls... the Salvation Army included.

Our officers managed to get one of the Emergency Response Vehicles :: the ones used at emergencies :: as a attraction... we sold tea/ coffee/ and hot rolls... and had a small stall.

We don't do this as a fundraiser... even though we raised £420! We do it as a means of engaging people and letting them know about us. One lady came to church on the Sunday as a result of a chat, which was really encouraging.

The band play a set for an hour :: 1200-1300hrs :: and this attracts people. There are still people out there who relate to a brass band... especially in post-industrial communities like Bellshill.

I also love the Street Fayre for crate diggin' opportunities... Unfortunately, I could see any vinyl... but did pick up some CDs (4 for a £1) ::

* [Turn off the light - single] :: Nelly Furtado :: contains a fab remix by Timbaland and a lovely acoustic version of [I'm like a bird]... sweet!
* Black Rebel Motorcycle Club eponymous debut album... and
* [your new favourite band] :: the Hives

What was that, you said? "I said 4 CDs but only listed 3..." OK...

* [barbie girl] :: Aqua :: its for Dayna, honest!

Anyway, it was fab to go to the Street Fayre with Janey and Olly... We headed to Hamilton afterwards and had fantastic filled crouisants at Kaldi's - a lovely wee cafe at the shops that is even better since the smoking ban! They serve old brown java which is a fav coffee of mine. Olly and I used to meet at Kaldi's when we were courting and it holds special memories of holding hands at lunchtime on a Saturday. Lovely day!

This weekend :: New Tunes

When Janey came over... my spider sense tingled :: she had MUSIC!!!

Janey was doing a carboot sale and had some tunes to sell... so I rummaged and stole the good ones ^___^

The booty included the following ::

* ELO's Greatest Hits (pictured)
* [Karmacoma ep] :: Massive Attack :: includes remixes by Portishead and Mad Professor and an extended version featuring almamegretta... Fab!
* [7 seconds] :: Youssou N'dour & Neneh Cherry
* [the journey] :: Donna Summer (pictured) :: oooh... love to love ya, bay-be
* [together] :: Julian Bream & John Williams :: beautiful classical guitar.
* [originals] :: 14 tracks from the classic Levi's adverts

Good hunting! Thanks Janey... your my super-sis!

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This weekend :: Friday

This was the first Friday I have had in ages without a coffee appointment... I was rainchecked at the last minute due to my pal, Jojo, being too busy. So I used the time to pop into Glasgow's GoMA for some inspiration. Haven't been in for a while and was impressed with the work displayed. I viewed art in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th galleries...

[nomadic landmass] :: Ilana Halperin

Never heard of Ilana Halperin before this visit but have to say her work caught my eye :: she illustrates using various media geological and geographical phenomenon in the wild reaches of Creation such as Iceland. She lives in Glasgow and I hope to hear her at a lunchtime discussion in June at the GoMA.

There was a lot to digest. I have captured some in a Flickr set :: Glasgow GoMA :: ((link))

However, one of my personal favs and worthy of a mention was the small exhibition of Chad McCail's work :: One day we will be dead.

[we are aware of the pain we cause] :: Chad McCail

His art has a vibrant illustrative feel to it that reminds me of magazine illustrations from The Face :: lots of detail and meaning... Lovely.

Headed home after work :: It is always a pleasure to see Olly and the we'ans... but it is slightly more special when I have a bank holiday to look forward to...and a big brother eviction!

Janey and Rosco joined us for the evening which was fab! It is always good to see them... but was even better when Janey came bearing gifts.

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New Music :: ((valedictions ep)) by [turnus]

turnus is on the [soundtrack for your wedding] from ((aerotone)) :: The valedictions ep from September 2005 is his first release and the first on aerotone. 6 tracks of electronic ambience that remind me of telefon tel aviv :: strong melodies with glitchy, found-sound atmospheres and fab vocals...
Subtile soundscapes form melancholic moods with every single track. Multilayered atmospheres with twists and turns create most interesting pictures.
Truly lovely...

I've been banging on about netlabels for a wee while now after getting turned on to them by ((milieu)) and I have to say the quality of release from the likes of aerotone and earth monkey productions is very strong. I am glad to have this ep on my iPod! Check it out.

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Saturday, May 27, 2006

New Music :: [soundtrack for your wedding]

This is lovely!

Found this on the ((internet archive)) :: a fab little netlabel called ((aerotone)) who specialise in beautiful electronic music...

They have brought together 14artists from all over the globe for a fantastic soundtrack to our wedding :: its a lovely, mellow compilation of electronic music with significance ::
'Soundtrack for your wedding (AER002)' is describing a journey through several styles of soft and heartfelt electronic music. This soundtrack is a wedding present, reflecting all these emotions we went through.
When I got married to Olly (nearly nine years ago... she looked amazing!) we had Debbie Gibson, Sir James Galway and a fab one-off wedding march composed by my brother-in-law, Alistair Taylor, that incorporated a section from Bryan Adam's everything I do, I do it for you... Although I wouldn't change it for a second... it would have been sweet to have incorporated these wonderful slices of electronic goodness into the day. They are truly beautiful and well recommended...

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Friday, May 26, 2006

New music :: ((the palace mansions)) by [hometaping]

((earth monkey productions)) have done it again! What a fab net label... This time is crazy broken beat electronica from ((hometaping)) :: I have just discovered their EP the palace mansions and am loving it. Reminds me of fourtet or a 33rpm Boards of Canada album played a 45rpm. The samples are wonderfully eclectic... as if they've raided the BOC's trash.

Love it... Check it out... its another fab free download of bleeding edge music!

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Cool Blog :: Outblush

((Outblush | The Online Shopping Magazine For Women))

Ok so its a web mag for girls who love to shop... and I'm a guy who can't afford to shop... but they showcase some sweet stuff. Worth a wee looksee (especially if you fit into their target market)

Gone :: Desmond Dekker

Get up in the morning, slaving for bread, sir
So that every mouth can be fed
Poor me Israelite

My wife and my kids, they packed up and leave me
Darling, she said, I was yours to be seen
Poor me Israelite

Shirt them a-tear up, trousers is gone
I don't want to end up like Bonnie and Clyde
Poor me Israelite
Desmond Dekker & the Aces :: The Israelites

Gone but not forgotten!


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Thursday, May 25, 2006

New Music :: Architecture in Helsinki

Been listening to ((arcitecture in helsinki)) since the Soos introduced me to them when I saw him last. They are a fab Australian band who have a uniquely fresh sound - kind of '80s and new wave but with horns and keys... actually remind me of bands on Grand Royal :: kitschy and geeky but lovely and upbeat.

The Soos demonstrated his 42" TV and Mac Mini combo with the video to AIH's song :: [do the whirlwind] (you can watch it on the AIH website) :: not only does he have a sweet set up - he has great taste. Love this song! its from the [in case we die] album.

The video is pretty special too - 8bit graphics that make it look like a Megadrive game... its sweet! It was created by a chap called ((Paul Robertson)) (the graphic below is from ((deviantart))) His art is unique ::

Check out :: ((in case we die)) and ((fingers crossed)) and enjoy!

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24/7 church

Whenever one is down there seems to be a supply of 24/7 places to help you out with a snack and coffee.

Why can't this be the case with the church? I'm not talking about a drive-through McDonald's church, I'm talking about a jazzy, cozy, relaxing comfortable place. The type of place where prayer and reaching God is possible.
Keith Gardner has posted a fab thought on ((church marketing sucks)) :: One of the comments talks about competing against Starbucks - if done right, a 24/7 coffee-church-house-thingy has one thing Starbucks doesn't :: a soul. Sure Starbucks has great ambience and sweet baristas but you bring your entertainment into the coffee house... ie your company or a good book... church has soul - you are part of an instant established community.

Don't get me wrong - I love Starbucks - but we can niche them with some good, ol' fashioned soulful community!

24/7 church

Whenever one is down there seems to be a supply of 24/7 places to help you out with a snack and coffee.

Why can't this be the case with the church? I'm not talking about a drive-through McDonald's church, I'm talking about a jazzy, cozy, relaxing comfortable place. The type of place where prayer and reaching God is possible.
Keith Gardner has posted a fab thought on ((church marketing sucks)) :: One of the comments talks about competing against Starbucks - if done right, a 24/7 coffee-church-house-thingy has one thing Starbucks doesn't :: a soul. Sure Starbucks has great ambience and sweet baristas but you bring your entertainment into the coffee house... ie your company or a good book... church has soul - you are part of an instant established community.

Don't get me wrong - I love Starbucks - but we can niche them with some good, ol' fashioned soulful community!

24/7 church

Whenever one is down there seems to be a supply of 24/7 places to help you out with a snack and coffee.

Why can't this be the case with the church? I'm not talking about a drive-through McDonald's church, I'm talking about a jazzy, cozy, relaxing comfortable place. The type of place where prayer and reaching God is possible.
Keith Gardner has posted a fab thought on ((church marketing sucks)) :: One of the comments talks about competing against Starbucks - if done right, a 24/7 coffee-church-house-thingy has one thing Starbucks doesn't :: a soul. Sure Starbucks has great ambience and sweet baristas but you bring your entertainment into the coffee house... ie your company or a good book... church has soul - you are part of an instant established community.

Don't get me wrong - I love Starbucks - but we can niche them with some good, ol' fashioned soulful community!

For my Cliff-loving readers...

Sir Cliff Close-up
Originally uploaded by Royzoner.

Thanks to my pal Roy aka Royzoner for the heads-up :: good to see Sir Cliff is looking as fit as ever!

Unfortunately for me he doesn't have headphones, a walkman or rollerskates... but hey, you can't have everything!

Thought for today...

Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious — the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.
Philippians 4:8&9 (The Message)

I do obsess about stuff :: Apple... iPods... Trainers... Music... Places & Spaces and fab skinny lattes... but my obsession with this stuff is a distant second to my L O V E for my Lord... my wife... my we'ans... and the dear people God has put in my life.

I worry about promoting materialism and consumption in a world burdened with debt, exploitation and environmental danger... but I am conveying the things I dig... I am not saying :: I want... I want... I want... :: I am saying this is noble... authentic... compelling... BEAUTIFUL and you may want to check it out.

Hope this makes sense... Stuff wont save your soul :: only Jesus can do that! but, if handled correctly, it can make our lives that wee bit sweeter.

God does make everything work together in excellent harmony... and sometimes its good to take it in.

For the Soos :: for Las Vegas...

Enjoy your trip, bro!

Doesn't Elvis look like a Thunderbirds puppet in this video?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hey :: Stussy has a new site

Thanks to ((hypebeast)) for letting me know about this :: ((stussy)) have a new website and its superfab with loads of imagery, wallpapers and news. Check it out...

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Sweet :: Wagamama, Glasgow

Wagamama, Glasgow
Originally uploaded by Headphonaught.

Had a sweet lunch of yaki soba in Wagamama today.

Got a voucher from a pal :: buy 1 meal, get the 2nd free :: and went with a colleague who was in need of noodles.

Love wagamama - had some fab meals there with Olly, the Soos, and Jon G... It is usually very busy but still retains a sense of intimacy. It was over noodles that Jon G kicked off my whole journey into "the emerging church" by namedropping Johnny Baker.

Anyway, the food is always good... although they don't do sushi... and the service is prompt and friendly. Check it out.

Oh and here's the voucher :: ((link)) :: Just remember to say you are an avid reader of handbag[dot]com


Actually... iDo!

Thanks to ((iLounge)) for the heads up on the ((iDon't)) website that calls on...
all free thinkers, contrarians, and rise up against the iTatorship, resist the monotony of white earbuds and reject the oppressive forces of cultural conformity. Now is the time to break free from restrictive formats and a single source for music. Its time for choice, for freedom, for self expression—and for independent spirits to stand up and say ‘iDon’t’. You don’t need to follow. There is now an alternative.
...and what, prey tell, is this alternative? An mp3 player from SanDisk. Woo Hoo!!! Seems like someone has sourgrapes at being 2nd and is trying to drum up business by slagging off their target market.

The thing is... iDon't like to be called a sheep or a conformist because I rock an iPod (or three)! I have had an iPod since 2003 (2nd gen, 10gb) and really love it. I am a Mac user so why shouldn't I support Apple.

Sure... iPods are trendy and there may be better spec'd mp3 players out there... but I'm happy with what I have - I like vertical integration and sweet design. Maybe that makes me an iPuppet..? iDon't care :: when it comes to the iPod - iDo!!!

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Love this place :: The Coffee Merchant

The Coffee Merchant
Originally uploaded by Headphonaught.

Yesterday I met up with a work acquaintance who was up from London. Went to the Coffee Merchant in the Merchant City, Glasgow; for a latte and a catch up.

Its a fab wee independent with reasonable prices and great food.

You can also sit in the courtyard... which is really cool.

It brought back wonderful memories of my Uncle Robert holding court with a table full of folk at Studgie's stag night. He was there with his cider taking it all in with his big, trademark, smile.

Anyway, check it out if you are in the area...

the latest wisdom from munsons coffee shop

the latest wisdom from munsons coffee shop
Originally uploaded by jonnybaker.

Thanks JB... One day I'll get to this coffeehouse and I'll ask for the smart person who writes their boards.

Love this place :: Ichiban

Went for lunch with an old friend from work. He retires next week and had been working with my project... and, well, nothing says "thank you" like some great Japanese food.

We went to ((ichiban)) on Queen Street, Glasgow; to sample the lunchtime [teishoku] menu. Lovely. I had chicken chili ramen with yasai (vegetable) gyosa and it was fab!

I managed to sneak these photos while it was quiet... which wasn't long. Ichiban is a tremendous place to eat :: service is prompt and engaging... and the food came quickly and was mighty tasty. I've been there with the Soos... but need to go back there with Olly... Sweet.

If you are in Glasgow :: check it out!

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World Cup 2006 Timetable

Thanks to ((lifehacker)) for the heads-up on this :: ((worldcupkickoff[dot]com)) have published the match timetable for the 2006 World Cup in Germany. They include downloads for iCal and a piece of software called outlook (anyone heard of it?) You can also download the iCal file and import it to gcal if you use it.

btw... this is also of use for the World Cup widows/ widowers too...

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Monday, May 22, 2006

Please :: Introduce yourself

Dayna asked me today who my blog pals were... and I was able to tell her all about my buddies from Scotland, England, mainland Europe, the USofA and Canada...

However, tonight I have had a couple of anon comments without any signature... I am glad you all stop by at this crossroads and sometimes I need a wee reminder like I did with the Tango ad post. Please :: don't lurk... Introduce yourself!

To paraphrase the Faith No More song :: I care alot 'bout you people 'cause I'm out to save the world

Sometimes the edges get ((blurred))

Crest 2 ((blurred))
Originally uploaded by Headphonaught.

Took this pic in the Motherwell Salvation Army last Thursday :: BLOC were leading worship and we had some time afterwards to socialise. Its not an arty shot :: it was a fluke... but I liked it and kept it.

It reminds me of how we can lose focus :: how the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit have somehow become distant... and out of sight...

Things have come into view that block our view :: like an afro at an all-standing concert :: we focus on activity as an end in itself rather than as the means to sharing God's grace...

We need to get back to the "heart of worship" as the song goes.

It also reminds me that what we define as being "Army" is also fuzzy... and that we can no longer cling to activity that is becoming increasingly irrelevant to society at large - just like the audio tape or even the 8-track!

As long as God is central to our thinking when being church wherever we are then we will succeed. Its all about giving our heart to God and our hand to man :: it doesn't matter what songs we sing or the clothes we wear... what matters is who we are trying to please! As soon as we try to please man then its :: GAME OVER

Grab a moment of clarity...

"Hiroshi's kick back ((private mix))"

Found this while searching google images for a sweet pic of Hiroshi Fujiwara :: What a fab mix... Some true gems...
01. Tim Story "The Hold"
02. Todd Rundgren "Be Nice To Me"
03. Jesse Colin Young "Sunlight"
04. Felt "Book Of Swords"
05. The Durutti Column "I Get Along Without You Very Well"
06. Patti Austin "That's Enough For Me"
07. Hiroshi Fujiwara "Dawn"
08. The Specials "Do Nothing"
09. Brian Eno "Slow Water"
10. 戸川純 "Femme Fatale"
11. Holger Czukay "Persian Love"
12. New Composers "Lovestory"
13. Minnie Riperton "Alone In Brewster Bay"
14. Willie Nelson "Moonlight In Vermont"

01. Jack Nitzsche "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (Ending Theme)"
02. Bobby Womack "(If You Don't Want My Love) Give It Back"
03. Gary Bartz "I've Known Rivers"
04. Virginia Astley "From Gardens Where We Feel Secure"
05. Jackson 5 "BEN (HF remix #4)"
06. Marlena Shaw "Feel Like Making Love"
07. Lonnie Liston Smith "Quiet Moments"
08. Everything But The Girl "The Language Of Life"
09. New Composers "La-La-La"
10. Black Magic "Perfect Angel"
11. The Durutti Column "Favourite Painting"
12. Janis Ian "Love Is Blind"
13. Tim Story "Untitled"
Inspired me to put a new mix together... Something unique and soulful... something organic and tasty.

I think the CD can be ordered here :: ((link))

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How to Silkscreen Print...

Found this via ((lifehacker)) :: Its a "how to" on creating silkscreen prints for t-shirts etc. Way too technical for me but inspirational nonetheless.

Check it out :: ((no media kings)) :: Not necessarily the solution I need for my tees... I need a printer that does small runs... This is a wee bit too small... but gives me the theory.

How to Silkscreen Print...

Found this via ((lifehacker)) :: Its a "how to" on creating silkscreen prints for t-shirts etc. Way too technical for me but inspirational nonetheless.

Check it out :: ((no media kings)) :: Not necessarily the solution I need for my tees... I need a printer that does small runs... This is a wee bit too small... but gives me the theory.

How to Silkscreen Print...

Found this via ((lifehacker)) :: Its a "how to" on creating silkscreen prints for t-shirts etc. Way too technical for me but inspirational nonetheless.

Check it out :: ((no media kings)) :: Not necessarily the solution I need for my tees... I need a printer that does small runs... This is a wee bit too small... but gives me the theory.

View :: ((Hiroshi Fujiwara)) interviewed in [Complex]

Nike HTM Air Woven Boot (one of my favs :: I have it white/ red/ green)

The man who put the "H" into HTM (and created my fav shoes) :: Hiroshi Fujiwara :: is interviewed in ((Complex)) - He is an inspiration to me with the work he has done with Nike and with his GOODENOUGH t-shirt label.


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Funny :: Bravia Ad spoofed by Tango

Thanks to ((cool hunting)) for the heads-up here :: Tango have spoofed the Sony Bravia ad :: Heartbeats is in but San Fransisco has been replaced with Swansea

View the advert here :: ((link)) and check out the whole "spoof" website set up by the annoyed locals ::


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No 56 :: Cosmpolitan Cow @ [Edinburgh Cow Parade]

No 56 Cosmpolitan Cow at Edinburgh Cow Parade 2006
Originally uploaded by

No 56 :: the Cosmpolitan Cow is my fav so far - matches my iPod cover ^_____^

The Edinburgh Blog has posted a superb set of Cowparade pics. Hopefully they'll catch all 94 before the vandals get them...

Check them out :: ((link))

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Podcast :: Week 3 :: Pergamum ((Revelation 2))


The podcast from Alec's thought is in my ((box[dot]net)) and available for download via the above link. Its an AAC file so you'll need ((iTunes)).


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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Friends :: Robin & Ann

Friends :: Robin & Ann
Originally uploaded by Headphonaught.

Went to Bilco's in Hamilton for a wee birthday treat... Met up with Robin and Ann who were babysitting C&D's we'ans.

It was fab to catch up with old friends over a coffee... We talked church and keeping relevant... Fab!

Robin & Ann have been in the Salvation Army for ages... but their focus is on the Lord and their community in Fauldhouse. They don't get bogged down with activity but focus on relationships... which is tremendous :: the way it should be!

Always a pleasure :: let's do it again soon...

Happy Birthday Dayna!!!

Happy Birthday Dayna

Can't believe my baby is S E V E N!!!

I'm feelin' old!

Friday, May 19, 2006

My ((new)) Nikes [part 2]

My ((new)) Air Max
Originally uploaded by Headphonaught.

These superduper Air Max were in the bundle too... I don't know the exact model but appreciate their class.

Thanks Soos :: you are my bro!

My ((new)) Nikes [part 1]

My ((new)) Nikes
Originally uploaded by Headphonaught.

When I was over seeing ((the Soos)) he gave me a couple of things to donate to the Army's jumble. Thing is... the stuff never got to the jumble... I donated something to ((buy)) these supersweet Nikes.

They are in very good condition and look fantastic on... Not sure why the Soos was giving them away but am grateful that he did!

Never knew recycling could look so sweet!