You need an Intel Mac and a copy of XP Service Pack 2... and the bootcamp download - this 83mb download allows you to keep all your Mac data in place and still boot to XP.
Boot Camp burns a CD with all the Mac-specific drivers for Windows:All I can say is G'ON YERSEL' APPLE!!! There is now no excuse, other than cost, for not having a Mac.
* Graphics
* Networking
* Audio
* AirPort wireless
* Bluetooth
* The Eject key (on Apple keyboards)
* Brightness control for built-in displays
This CD also installs a Startup Disk control panel for Windows.
Does this mean all windows based programs will be able to run on a mac? OSX is far superior to Windows XP and crashes far less, so is this a good thing then? Explain this to a non-techie, please??!! Adele
Basically, this will allow you to run "native" any Windows XP only software on your Mac hardware.
I don't use that many apps that are Windows only - Visio is the main one... This will enable me to run it without the hassle of Virtual PC.
OSX is superior and this is a bold move by Apple to show this.
In essence, why use XP when OSX is more robust.
Now all we need is OSX to run on Windows machines and the world is Steve Jobs.
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