Picked up a couple of cool things today...
We went with my folks and the we'ans to Linthgow this morning. Free entry into Linlithgow Palace would get even me out of bed by 0900hrs. Will post the pics on FLICKR but it was a fab trip.
Anyway, did a recon at the CANCER RESEARCH SHOP :: always looking for something special and found it - A set of j-me bighead coasters. Love the design - its fresh and practical. Only £1.95!
Check out their site :: Link
Went on to Livingston - Love the shops there and need to get a couple of choices pieces for Italy. Found these Nike Air Rift trainers - I originally wanted a pair of Birkenstocks but couldn't afford them. These are a SUPERB alternative.
Unusual with the split toe but they feel sweet and will be ideal for Italy. Can't wait!
nice nike rift