I will try to get online if I can... We are contactable if you have our moby numbers... Love you!
another characteristic of the emerging postmodern culture is a tendency to question everything. Postmodernists are not content to be spoon-fed “truths”, but prefer instead to arrive at their own decision on matters through questioning and experimentation.My pal Chris over in Glenrothes is a Salvation Army officer... this is a quote from an essay he wrote while at College.
Fortunately, there is already a working model of Church that allows for this tendency. Cell Church, based around small, mutually accountable groups, allows people to discuss matters in-depth in a way that simply is not possible in a larger gathering.
Although Cell Church is seen as a new concept, and may therefore meet resistance from some quarters, there is a historical basis for small groups in The Salvation Army. During the Army’s early history, towns were divided up into “wards”. Comrades from each ward would meet together in a small group setting. Reintroducing this idea as part of corps life, while ensuring opportunity is given for discussion and teaching in the ward meeting, would allow people to explore their faith in a mutually supportive and accountable environment. Whether the groups are called “cells” or “wards” is irrelevant, it is the idea of allowing people to explore issues rather than being spoon-fed on a Sunday that the Army needs to embrace if it is to effectively reach people today.
Technorati Tags: post+modern, church
Technorati Tags: porterage, headporter
OK, so I'd been wanting a new tattoo for years and years. I finally decided on a Chi Rho, a symbol from the early church that combines the first two Greek letters in the name "Christ". They used it to mean "in celebration of Christ", and also "Christos Rabboni", or "Saviour-Teacher". I like both of those meanings a lot.Check her out and give her your support.
Technorati Tags: blogs
Percussive rhythms, subverted dance beats and hooky grooves create a canvas for genre defying and heartbreakingly beautiful songs. There lies an irresistible marriage between poetry, vocals and atmospheric soundscapes...Sounds like my cup o' cha! If they are defined as ambient/ meditative and Bob Harris from Radio 2 considers them to be "Perfect" then I had better check them out.
Technorati Tags: ambient, meditative
Technorati Tags: table tennis, ping pong
Technorati Tags: neighbours, friends
Imagine a ship at sea that is in trouble. The lights keep going out. The engine is faltering. The rudder (not rubber as I said ^___^) is unreliable. The first mate is drunk. The crew is very demoralized. The service is appalling. The passengers on the ship are very dissatisfied. Then a new captain and first mate are brought in by helicopter. Very quickly everything changes. The morale of the crew is lifted. Service improves. The engine is fixed. The lights stay on. Everything is fine... but the ship is still heading in the wrong direction.The rationale for this quote is for us to continually review every element of our approach - not just tinker with the key variables like content and leadership but ask the BIG questions like "is this going in the right direction?"
As I see it, one of the most unfortunate misunderstandings of our time has been to think of small intentional communities as groups 'within' the church," the philosopher Dick Westley writes in one of the many books celebrating the rise of small-group power. "When are we going to have the courage to publicly proclaim what everyone with any experience with small groups has known all along: they are not organizations 'within' the church; they are church."It really helped to put things into a truer context.
Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply to them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drop out.This is why we do Alpha and the House Groups - to ensure people are prepared and able to look out for each other so that no one falls behind.
Both the the 577 and 576 are classics and hold iconic status within the New Balance archives. Each Northern SOLE model is designed exclusively by hanon and assembled by the New Balance Flimby factory here in the UK. The colour-ways on each style pay homage to and refer loosely to some of our favourite Northern Soul patches as collected by the Soul boys from the clubs they visited.What I love is that Hanon continue to drop quality product from their base in Aberdeen. Shame the aren't nearer - they are what Dr Jives could/ should have been!
The upper application on each hanon 'Sole' shoe is a mix of luxury suede, leather and nubuck. Each style features parallel perf detail and is finished with plush pigskin lining. Both models hold their own as technical training shoes and include all of the attributes of the original styles including reinforced heel units and Encap and C cap sole technology.
The hanon Northern SOLE series is released as a strict edition of 120 pairs per style globally. A badge and hand numbered post card set featuring photography by Brian Sweeney is included with each pair.
For the past five months I have been living alone in a car at the edge of the woods — jobless and homeless and totally unable to find a way out of it. I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't scream loudly enough, alI I can do is write. So here I am laying down tracks...She can write...and does it very well! Somebody give her a book deal!
Some people are really into the hidden or lost years of Jesus, like from the time he was 13 to when he was 30, but I think that is unimportant since we get a great picture of him from the Gospels. But there's something really powerful about Jesus in the post-resurrection, pre-Ascension (pre-trib, pre-emergent, pre post modern, etc) accounts of Jesus in the Gospel of John-- man this Jesus was unlike we had seen him before. I wish there were more stories from the Gospels on this time period.Check it out...
Technorati Tags: Apple, MacBook Pro
Christ brought us together through his death on the Cross. The Cross got us to embrace, and that was the end of the hostility. Christ came and preached peace to you outsiders and peace to us insiders. He treated us as equals, and so made us equals. Through him we both share the same Spirit and have equal access to the Father.Ephesians 2:16-18 (The Message)
Technorati Tags: faith
Technorati Tags: wallpaper
Churches, like any large voluntary organization, have at their core a contradiction. In order to attract newcomers, they must have low barriers to entry. They must be unintimidating, friendly, and compatible with the culture they are a part of. In order to retain their membership, however, they need to have an identity distinct from that culture. They need to give their followers a sense of community—and community, exclusivity, a distinct identity are all, inevitably, casualties of growth. As an economist would say, the bigger an organization becomes, the greater a free-rider problem it has. If I go to a church with five hundred members, in a magnificent cathedral, with spectacular services and music, why should I volunteer or donate any substantial share of my money? What kind of peer pressure is there in a congregation that large? If the barriers to entry become too low—and the ties among members become increasingly tenuous—then a church as it grows bigger becomes weaker.Make's sense to me!
One solution to the problem is simply not to grow, and, historically, churches have sacrificed size for community. But there is another approach: to create a church out of a network of lots of little church cells—exclusive, tightly knit groups of six or seven who meet in one another's homes during the week to worship and pray. The small group as an instrument of community is initially how Communism spread, and in the postwar years Alcoholics Anonymous and its twelve-step progeny perfected the small-group technique. The small group did not have a designated leader who stood at the front of the room. Members sat in a circle. The focus was on discussion and interaction—not one person teaching and the others listening—and the remarkable thing about these groups was their power. An alcoholic could lose his job and his family, he could be hospitalized, he could be warned by half a dozen doctors—and go on drinking. But put him in a room of his peers once a week—make him share the burdens of others and have his burdens shared by others—and he could do something that once seemed impossible.
When churches—in particular, the megachurches that became the engine of the evangelical movement, in the nineteen-seventies and eighties—began to adopt the cellular model, they found out the same thing. The small group was an extraordinary vehicle of commitment. It was personal and flexible. It cost nothing. It was convenient, and every worshipper was able to find a small group that precisely matched his or her interests. Today, at least forty million Americans are in a religiously based small group, and the growing ranks of small-group membership have caused a profound shift in the nature of the American religious experience."
As I see it, one of the most unfortunate misunderstandings of our time has been to think of small intentional communities as groups 'within' the church," the philosopher Dick Westley writes in one of the many books celebrating the rise of small-group power. "When are we going to have the courage to publicly proclaim what everyone with any experience with small groups has known all along: they are not organizations 'within' the church; they are church."
Technorati Tags: church, malcolm gladwell
Technorati Tags: cino
You scored as Emergent/Postmodern. You are Emergent/Postmodern in your theology. You feel alienated from older forms of church, you don't think they connect to modern culture very well. No one knows the whole truth about God, and we have much to learn from each other, and so learning takes place in dialogue. Evangelism should take place in relationships rather than through crusades and altar-calls. People are interested in spirituality and want to ask questions, so the church should help them to do this.
What's your theological worldview? created with QuizFarm.com |
The Three Rules of EpidemicsMalcolm also talks about 3 kinds of people :: connectors (people who have strength in their weak ties with others and connect people together) / mavens (people who love to research ideas/ products and then share that information with others) and salespeople (people who take the idea and persuade others to take up the idea) :: I actually see myself in all three roles, certainly the first two.
The Law of the Few:
The 80/20 Principle states that in any situation roughly 80 percent of the 'work' will be done by 20 percent of the participants. This idea is central to the Law of the Few theory where a tiny percentage of people do the majority of work. But say you took those 20 people who do all the "work" away, would changes or epidemics never occur or would the next 20 people step into that role and assume the position of "workers"? Is one born an exceptional person, a 'one of the few,' or could someone eventually learn how to become a member of this exceptional group?
Stickiness Factor:
Stickiness means that a message makes an impact and doesn't go in one ear and out the other. Take a simple, every day example of this. Think about a song that you couldn't get out of your head or that television commercial you still remember from when you were a kid. Could you pinpoint what it is you think makes them "sticky?"
The Power of Context:
This says that human beings are a lot more sensitive to their environment than they may seem. How attuned are you to your environment and its effect on you? Have you felt your mood change because of the surroundings even if it's as subtle as standing near a couple in a bitter argument or being in a cluttered, messy bedroom?
Technorati Tags: tipping point, malcolm gladwell
These are NOT alt. Christians but modern, megachurch evangelicals.Never been to a megachurch so I wouldn't know... I naively used the terminology from the BoingBoing post. Question is :: who/ what is alt.Christian? Did a google search and didn't get anywhere... Only seemed to be a genre in Rhapsody... and I'm not sure if that was just google's search.
Technorati Tags: alt.christian, photography
Technorati Tags: music, soundtrack
Technorati Tags: tunes
Technorati Tags: easter, manchester passion
Technorati Tags: iPod
Technorati Tags: worship
A man and his ever-nagging wife went on vacation to Jerusalem. While they were there, the wife passed away.
The undertaker told the husband, "You can have her shipped home for £5,000, or you can bury her here, in the Holy Land, for £150."
The man thought about it and said he would just have her shipped home.
The undertaker asked, "Why would you spend £5,000 to ship your wife home, when it would be wonderful to be buried here and you would spend only £150?"
The man replied, "Long ago a man died here, was buried here, and three days later he rose from the dead.
I just can't take that chance.........."
Technorati Tags: joke
Technorati Tags: friends, falls of clyde