I received a "goodbye" card and gift from my colleagues that really touched me...
Comments like "you are truly unique & a bit of a geek", "the place will certainly be a lot quieter", "thanks for just being you" & "your work and humour have been very you - unique and valued" are super sweet and make me feel good...
The gift was vouchers for my fav record shop :: FOPP :: and I ran out like a giddy school girl and picked up the following...

This is truly an amazing album and deserves the recognition it is getting. Beautiful soundscapes married to wonderful collaborative vocalists like house don Robert Owens, Saul Williams, and UK rapper, Roots Manuva; The variety is wonderful making this an early entry into the Headphonaught's top ten on 2006.

Devo are one of these bands that I have heard of but never really heard... I like weird envelope-pushing music and Devo are well within this category. It is accessible - "Peak-a-boo" is a fab track for the gym, for example...
Mark Mothersbaugh has become a prolific composer - I came to know his work through (don't laugh) the Rugrats cartoon... Good fun!

"Tourist" by St Germain brings me back to my love for nu-jazz... Its a seminal classic that I never heard or owned...until now. Ludovic Navarre is an excellent producer who creates amazing nu-jazz from samples and a live band. Supersweet!
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