Anyway, for the 2nd day of Lent on the Grace blog JB has posted a piece entitled "you don't need eyes to see, you need vision". JB has totally captured my present Flickr experience - Its as if I can now see... I see beauty in decay and urban sprawl... I love my K750i because it is so easy to spot, point & click... Considering the latest Sony Ericsson phones are coming to market with 3.2megapixels - this can only get better and better.
When it comes to my faith... my Flickr experience is so relevant to where I am spiritually:
God is present but it's easy to forget or not even look. in theological terms it's incarnational - God present in all of life and culture, or sacramental - God's presence mediated through the stuff of everyday life.Just as I have learned to see what is around me... I am also seeing the beauty of my Lord in everyday life. God isn't solely in church... He is everywhere! In Starbucks... In the gym (probably more than me)... In the Boogaloo Bothy... In Sushiya or Wagamama... In the Menoch Pass in the Lead Hills... In the streets of Motherwell - with me when I walk to work... When you think that God is incarnational then it changes everything... Church changes from what you do/ where you go - once/ twice/ whatever a week - to church being who you are...
Wow!!! Really makes the difference... really makes me think of the whole-of-life motivation for this blog. I will no longer separate out my life but be me wherever I am... Why? because I know my Lord is there being Him there too...
thanks for the encouragement. and for your comments/encouragement on my photos. hope we get to meet some day...
Thanks JB... Love to meet up... Next time I'm in London, I'll give you a shout.
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