
Thursday, February 02, 2006

What am I reading..?

At each stage in civilisation the guardians of culture are convinced that the best of all states has been achieved and that futher progress will be limited to minor adjustments. Because of this thinking, the thinking becomes realistic - as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Edward de Bono "New thinking for the new millenium" p191

Check it out: Link or buy it for 20p at your local library as I did.

de Bono's work makes sense...and speaks for itself - from P149:
Any new idea that does not raise a howl of protest is probably not a good idea. Those who are comfortable in the use of the old idea find it difficult to see the inadequacies of the old idea. If you have to imagine new benefits and you cannot achieve this effort of imagination, you have no choice except to resist the new.
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