Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Our Daily Blog

"We are not talking about renewal. Renewal is a concept foreign to the emerging Church. Renewal implies that the Church was once what God intended it to be and that our task is to bring it back to that golden age."

Larson, Osborne, The Emerging Church (1970), p11
Check this out... Link from Jonny Baker's blog to a daily reading from "The Emerging Church", a book from 1970 that is extremely relevant today. These daily reflections are there to challenge and inspire us but also for discussion and development, as the Andrew Jones aka the tallskinnykiwi suggests:
Feel free to comment or argue or point out how things are changing or different.
Check it out and make it part of your day - if you use safari bookmark a RSS feed and pop by everyday.

Check out Andrew's blog too: It's a good read and one I've bookmarked.

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