Saturday, December 03, 2005

Thought for Today

Taken from Mark 8:37 (Message Translation)...
What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade for your soul?
I've spent a bit of time over the last few days focussing on things: cool shoes / gift guides / discussing the concept of cappie etc. This verse in Mark's Gospel brings it all into perspective... the pursuit and acquisition of things/stuff/shoes is all good but it can't take over you... you can't become the slave to things...

I need to let my stuff complement my life and make it better, and not obsess over it. It needs to be about the soul... feeding the soul... let's live as free people, not like the zombies on the high street we see chasing after their next purchase...junkies after their next fix... We need to breathe fresh air... listen to the birds sing... read a book... create/make... live! Surround ourselves with our loved ones and love!

Christmas is not about stuff... although the Coca Cola sponsored Santa would have you think otherwise... Its not about giving... Its about relationships and celebrating the folk that we can't live without in our lives... Jesus was born so we could have a relationship with God... we give to say thank you for being in our lives.

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