Wednesday, November 30, 2005
CITY Magazine

iPod Cases

I paid a fiver for it. One of my colleagues has accused me of having too much money while looking at my iPod case (not my iPod). It turns out she thought it was a Paul Smith iPod case. The print is similar to the Paul Smith pattern (see above) but it isn't Paul Smith. It is true that appearances can be deceptive.
My mate, the Soos, has a cool LV cover for his 60gb iPod Photo (like the one above)... other friends have various silicon or leather cases.
Check out CITY mag for other case options: link
Big Pants
American Apparel are pushing their "hot shorts" on the Cool Hunting site. Reminds me of a pair of "gay" pants/trunks I got in Primark that claimed to be large but should have said "smaller than small" - Olly claimed them and rocks them to this day. Moral of the story...
sometimes it is good to experiment and sometimes you are better off sticking to your Calvin's from TK Maxx
Firefox 1.5 has been released
Cool Hunting's Holiday 2005 Gift Guide

Cool Hunting is a fav blog of mine. It's approach to fashion and things is spot on. Their gift guide is the kind of alternative luxury that I love to explore. I love the Nano with the custom paint job (see above)... or the skull business card holder. Nice. Bit expensive tho' but hey that's the kind of alternative inspirational luxury that CAPPies love.
Wow... Haven't used that phrase in a while... CAPPie -
Consumer of Alternative Priced Products.It was a term used in the Face (RIP Great mag) to define a social group who dressed in obscure labels (usually Japanese), wore box-fresh exclusive trainers, listened to underground tunes, had the latest tech (at the time of definition it was Sony Minidisc and Audio Technica headphones or the Palm Vx) and went on holidays to exotic destinations for sight-seeing or snowboarding.
I really related to the term... but could never afford the Priced bit. I am more of a CAPPIT -
Consumer of Alternative Products Purchased In TK MaxxAnyway, check out Cool Hunting's gift guide...
Holiday Humour
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I have a real Jones for Snapple... I could safely say I love it more than grande Gingerbread skinny Lattes from Starbucks. Snapple holds great memmories for me and is part of my history.
Snapple reminds me of my Uni days at Napier in Sighthill: My friends and I would head out to Bar Kohl for a night of fun and frolics... They used to sell like one trillion flavours of vodka, various obscure beers like Mickey Big Mouth Beer, Jolt cola (caffinated cola) and all the flavours of SNAPPLE. It would be a great laugh and I respected my friends who would enjoy weird flavours of vodka but yet not hassle me for having weird flavours of snapple. They no longer stock snapple in Bar Kohl...which is a shame! but it also leaves the market open for another snapple bar!?!
Olly has given me bottles as wee stocking fillers and I also remember finding some in Italy when we were on our honeymoon... As I said, great memories!
The inside of the cap had an interesting fact - seemingly women blink twice as often as men...
Thought for Today

Check out Howies clothes - they are fresh and cool... but what's cooler is the thought they put into them. Check out their site - www.howies.co.uk - its pretty inspirational.
The Lego Nativity

The "Holiday Season" as the Walmart group would want us to call Christmas is a busy time and there are too many Santas and not much in the way of fresh ideas for the Nativity. I think this is great - big fan of lego and kudos to Rev. Brendan Powell Smith for this.
His site - The Brick Testament is SO cool. Rev. Brendan has depicted the Bible using Lego. How cool is that??? Check it out. Check his blog out too www.thereverand.com where he is quick to point out...
Most ministers, priests, or other religious clerics would not actually use "The Reverend" before their own names, for to do so would be presumptuous and rather vain. The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith is not an ordained member of any earthly church, and is widely regarded as being both highly presumptuous and extremely vain.Ha Ha Ha...
Warning: Just as the Bible contains sex and violence... there are some scenes illustrated in the Brick Testament that some people might not appreciate, especially in the OT!
Nik & Emma Pears

Anyway, Olly and I got a chance to sit down and talk to Nik and Emma... What a wonderful couple - really on fire and in love with each other, with God and with life. We talked music, got the iPods out and shared songs (listening to - not physically fileswapping... honest!). I really want them to succeed in what they do. Emma is a full time songwriter and I hope to hear a song she's penned on Chris Moyles (only time I listen to pop music) sometime soon. We talked podcasts and viral marketing... Olly talked about backing tracks. It was great.
Check out their album: "people of faith" - its a first class worship CD and ahead of the rest of the pack...and, in my opinion, kicks Graham Kendrick's butt.

This is the website of the chap who did the Kog Cafe website. I think Kog's website is fab and an example of great web design. It is also a very small world... Daniel Chadney, the chap behind pixelmix, is also the lead singer of Five Year Glitch... weird how things all fit together. Anyway, check his work out - its the kind of stuff I'd love to do...
Five Year Glitch

Check these guys out... The bass player is a friend and work colleague. I'm not as big a punk fan as I used to be... I mean punk for me is Jello Biafra and the Dead Kennedys or Bad Brains... and, to be fair, I used to think "emo" was a character on Sesame Street... but I dig Five Year Glitch. They have a raw sound that is fresh. Check them out.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Design For Life retreat...
Olly and I have been away on a retreat weekend run by the Salvation Army called "Design for Life". The premise of this weekend is to understand what you are call to do with your life.
We spent the weekend in prayer, meditation and worship. We also spent time with our close friends Kenny & Sarah, Chris & Lorraine, and Olly's cousin Bobbie. It was a fantastic time to recharge the batteries and take time to think about what I am passionate about, what my skills and values are, and how they all fit together.
We stayed at Gartmore House near Aberfoyle in Stirlingshire. Beautiful, old house in picturesque grounds with loads of space and great food. Some of the rooms desparately needed some TLC and maintenance... but the staff were great and we eventually got a good room.
We focussed on our lives... drawing a "lifemap" to map out the key events in our lives. For me things like Uni or my jobs were important but more important were the people I have in my life such as Olly, the Soos, Roberto, K&S, Janey and Jon... I am blessed and am a better person for them.
Once we drew lifemaps, we focussed on our passions... what really makes us tick. Mine is music and technology, coffee and people, and a real desire to build lasting relationships with people and with God.
This then brought us to our calling. I believe I am called to facilitate / create space for people to develop relationships together and with God. I have a real desire to use my interests - iPod/music/coffeehouses/visuals/podcasts/t-shirts - to aid this goal. I would love to develop a contemporary coffeehouse that becomes a space within the community where you can hang out, express yourself, learn things, listen to great music - bands & DJs. I want a coffeehouse to become church as in the true sense of what church should be - the centre of the community, a place where people can share their ups and downs, a place where people are together, a place where counselling could be sought... A place where a bookclub could sit and discuss their ideas while a DJ plays abstract electronic music and baristas make fab soy lattes for customers.
Anyway, I see my role in this as a facilitator... a "make it happen" guy and I am excited. I don't know when it will happen but I know it will.
I also see my role as a facilitator for Olly's vision - she wants/needs to lead worship - and I want to be there for her controlling the sound and visuals.
I now need to seek a job where these ideas can become projects I can focus on.
Both Olly and I are grateful for the support we have received from our loved ones... Thanks for the calls and emails. Especially grateful for the texts from the Soos and from Big "D" - cheers, guys!
We spent the weekend in prayer, meditation and worship. We also spent time with our close friends Kenny & Sarah, Chris & Lorraine, and Olly's cousin Bobbie. It was a fantastic time to recharge the batteries and take time to think about what I am passionate about, what my skills and values are, and how they all fit together.
We stayed at Gartmore House near Aberfoyle in Stirlingshire. Beautiful, old house in picturesque grounds with loads of space and great food. Some of the rooms desparately needed some TLC and maintenance... but the staff were great and we eventually got a good room.
We focussed on our lives... drawing a "lifemap" to map out the key events in our lives. For me things like Uni or my jobs were important but more important were the people I have in my life such as Olly, the Soos, Roberto, K&S, Janey and Jon... I am blessed and am a better person for them.
Once we drew lifemaps, we focussed on our passions... what really makes us tick. Mine is music and technology, coffee and people, and a real desire to build lasting relationships with people and with God.
This then brought us to our calling. I believe I am called to facilitate / create space for people to develop relationships together and with God. I have a real desire to use my interests - iPod/music/coffeehouses/visuals/podcasts/t-shirts - to aid this goal. I would love to develop a contemporary coffeehouse that becomes a space within the community where you can hang out, express yourself, learn things, listen to great music - bands & DJs. I want a coffeehouse to become church as in the true sense of what church should be - the centre of the community, a place where people can share their ups and downs, a place where people are together, a place where counselling could be sought... A place where a bookclub could sit and discuss their ideas while a DJ plays abstract electronic music and baristas make fab soy lattes for customers.
Anyway, I see my role in this as a facilitator... a "make it happen" guy and I am excited. I don't know when it will happen but I know it will.
I also see my role as a facilitator for Olly's vision - she wants/needs to lead worship - and I want to be there for her controlling the sound and visuals.
I now need to seek a job where these ideas can become projects I can focus on.
Both Olly and I are grateful for the support we have received from our loved ones... Thanks for the calls and emails. Especially grateful for the texts from the Soos and from Big "D" - cheers, guys!
Friday, November 25, 2005
The Kog Cafe

I need to check them out but I love their approach. I have always wanted to do something like this and am glad to see I am not alone. Their approach is relevant and contemporary.
Church is at the coffee house...not the coffee house at the church.
Will report back...
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Give Thanks
In the spirit of Thanksgiving... I would like to thank the following:
1) God... for His grace and love.
2) My wife - Olly... for her love, friendship and patience.
3) My we'ans - Dayna and Miriam... for making me feel old and young at the same time.
4) My parents - for their love and support.
5) My in-laws - for not being typical in-laws and for letting me marry their we'an.
6) My extended family - for being themselves and letting me be me.
7) The Soos aka Andy - for his friendship, generousity and world-view.
8) My salsa-dancing mate aka Roberto - for his long friendship and Mac advice.
9) Jon - for his advice on the Journey and all the chats over coffee.
10) Janey & Rosco - for being there.
11) Jojo - for being a friend at work.
12) My mates from Cowdenbiza, Yvonne & Big "D" - for being true confidants.
13) Pauly - for being another friend at work.
14) My officers - Alec & Andrea - and our previous officers/friends - Karen & Gary for all your support and spiritual guidance.
15) My friends in the House Group - for their support.
16) My Church - for the sense of community.
17) Pippin - for being a doggy-woggy.
I am also grateful for the following blessings:
1) Freedom... of expression... of worship...
2) My home
3) My Apple kit - G4 iMac / G4 iBook / 4th gen iPod / 2nd gen iPod
4) Broadband
5) Living in Scotland / next to Strathclyde Park
I am grateful!
1) God... for His grace and love.
2) My wife - Olly... for her love, friendship and patience.
3) My we'ans - Dayna and Miriam... for making me feel old and young at the same time.
4) My parents - for their love and support.
5) My in-laws - for not being typical in-laws and for letting me marry their we'an.
6) My extended family - for being themselves and letting me be me.
7) The Soos aka Andy - for his friendship, generousity and world-view.
8) My salsa-dancing mate aka Roberto - for his long friendship and Mac advice.
9) Jon - for his advice on the Journey and all the chats over coffee.
10) Janey & Rosco - for being there.
11) Jojo - for being a friend at work.
12) My mates from Cowdenbiza, Yvonne & Big "D" - for being true confidants.
13) Pauly - for being another friend at work.
14) My officers - Alec & Andrea - and our previous officers/friends - Karen & Gary for all your support and spiritual guidance.
15) My friends in the House Group - for their support.
16) My Church - for the sense of community.
17) Pippin - for being a doggy-woggy.
I am also grateful for the following blessings:
1) Freedom... of expression... of worship...
2) My home
3) My Apple kit - G4 iMac / G4 iBook / 4th gen iPod / 2nd gen iPod
4) Broadband
5) Living in Scotland / next to Strathclyde Park
I am grateful!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! Part 2

In addition, I have been asked to be Rosco's Bestman!!! They are giving me the responsibility of ensuring Rosco gets to the Church on time...
My wife has been asked to sing two songs at the wedding and my girls will be Janey's flower girls. Rosco's sister has been asked to be a Bridesmaid. Cool.
So, as it sinks in, being the Bestman will be really cool for the following reasons:
(1) I look fab in a kilt (assuming its kilts)
(2) I get to dance with Rosco's sister
(3) I can say whatever I want about Rosco and Janey
(4) I am responsible for the stagnight which may lead to Ross getting stripped buck naked in the middle of Talin or another suitable Eastern European city.
Nice! Oh and my wife will look fantastic too... and her songs will be one of the talking points of the day.
Who knows... they may let me DJ too... It's going to be good.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !
"Buy Nothing Day - 25th Nov 05" - Article on Wired
Not big on the whole Thanksgiving Day... I celebrate with gusto "Harvest" at our Church and think its fantastic to have a holiday to say Thanks but don't really know much more about the States' holiday.
It turns out, however, that the Friday after Thanksgiving is a HUGE shopping day in the States. It is also a day to protest against shopping: BUY NOTHING DAY
I like this concept and will buy nothing on Friday. Read the article from Buy Nothing Day's founder, Kalle Lasn (see link in title) and join me in celebrating this anti-holiday.
It turns out, however, that the Friday after Thanksgiving is a HUGE shopping day in the States. It is also a day to protest against shopping: BUY NOTHING DAY
I like this concept and will buy nothing on Friday. Read the article from Buy Nothing Day's founder, Kalle Lasn (see link in title) and join me in celebrating this anti-holiday.
Another flippin' list... The Wired News Buying Guide
Yes... another list of things I MUST have... this time from the WIRED news team.
Still... its not as good as my list.
Still... its not as good as my list.
MacWorld Gear Guide
What is it about Christmas and lists??? First Oprah and now, from MacWorld, a guide to everything a Cult of Mac devotee will want/need...
Please, Please, Please, Please! is coming soon...
Please, Please, Please, Please! is coming soon...
Here's a cute wee site... Children's stories in iPod-ready audio book format... with Podcasting rolled in!
My oldest daughter is working her way through the Lord of the Rings radio play, the Nutcracker Suite (narrated by Prunella Scales) and a cool Dr Who radio play... This will appeal to her... and to my youngest who just loves a good story but has a tiny attention span - you have to pitch the story to her.
My oldest daughter is working her way through the Lord of the Rings radio play, the Nutcracker Suite (narrated by Prunella Scales) and a cool Dr Who radio play... This will appeal to her... and to my youngest who just loves a good story but has a tiny attention span - you have to pitch the story to her.
Oprah's Fav Things...
Monday, November 21, 2005
Sarah Luneack

My boss dropped off an article on a chap called Thomas Power which has a number of insights that I hope to understand and circulate shortly. They key message in the article is friendship - in that it is secret when building a business. Friendship is the basis of trust and trust is the basis of trade. It makes sense when considering my old boss asked me to do the presentation work for his recent awards ceremony - he knew me and could trust me.
Anyway, here's a link to a speech Thomas Power gave with regards to networking - it makes sense... Link
Anyway, here's a link to a speech Thomas Power gave with regards to networking - it makes sense... Link
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Why I love my wife...

OMGoodness... I can't wait to rig up my deck to listen to this slab of goodness... although I have to say the last time I checked "Blowin' in the wind" was not a love song (side 2, track 5).
Appreciate the pic says "20 classic hits" and I said "16"... well I couldn't find the EXACT graphic and thought nobody would notice.
A Christmas Star at Costa...

Anyway, had a great chat with Pauly. His project is in the User Acceptance Testing phase and he is doing silly hours to ensure the job is done. He also needs to sync with a team in Australia, so he has been doing some way early mornings... In fact, he is flying to Leeds tonight and is planning to be in work for 0400hrs!!! I'm lucky if I've had 3 hours sleep by then :-)
Pauly is someone who I have only know for about a year but I feel I have known for longer. Thanks for taking the hdd down - saved me some postage!
My mate from Edinburgh's Flickr pics
The Soos... My mate from Edinburgh who works for Rockstar has posted some really cool pics to his Flickr a/c. The shots from his holiday in Bali are first class. Check them out...
Destiny Church, Edinburgh
I met one of my pals today at church who I hadn't seen for a while... Her mother is a real strength to my wife and myself, and always involved in Alpha or the House Groups... She's a real "go-to" person... Anyway, my pal lives in Edinburgh and is attending the Destiny Church. I was so encouraged when she said that their membership has grown from 60 to approx 250 over the last year or so...and that they've went and hired additional premises for their Sunday AM meeting... premises that can easily house 600.
I think this is fab and a real testimony to the Church and their vision. Check out their resources page - it has sermons to download.
Well done!
I think this is fab and a real testimony to the Church and their vision. Check out their resources page - it has sermons to download.
Well done!
Sesame Street wav files...
Found this last night... Having a laugh about noisy eating and the Cookie Monster... I now have the Cookie Monster as my text alert... COOKIE!!!
Please note - the link no longer works
Tx (18/10/2010)
Please note - the link no longer works
Tx (18/10/2010)
All will be well...
Had this tremendous sense of peace today... We sang a song at church today - the last line of the song was "You know I love you... All will be well"
I don't know what the Lord wants me to do... I don't even know if I am worthy of a role... I have peace with regards to the future and that feels good.
I don't know what the Lord wants me to do... I don't even know if I am worthy of a role... I have peace with regards to the future and that feels good.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire... 2
My wife and I enjoyed the film... Both my girls enjoyed it too, although the youngest did fall asleep.
Story wise its a bit disjointed... you are introduced to some characters that you don't want to know like the journalist and don't get to know much about other characters, like the Tri-Wizard champions...
All in, its a good film and one the girls will get on DVD and watch, no doubt, ad naseum... but I don't know if it was as good as the Prisoner of Azkahban.
Story wise its a bit disjointed... you are introduced to some characters that you don't want to know like the journalist and don't get to know much about other characters, like the Tri-Wizard champions...
All in, its a good film and one the girls will get on DVD and watch, no doubt, ad naseum... but I don't know if it was as good as the Prisoner of Azkahban.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Set iPod to shuffle... part 2
Here's the next 20 tracks from my iPod while on shuffle:
21) Broadcast
22) Clannad
23) Coldplay
24) Tinkabell - Taken from Ulrich Schnauss' website.
25) Mondo Grosso
26) Interpol - "Untitled (Velapene Screen remix)"
27) Doug Horley - Doug does fab worship for kids and teens... My girls love his stuff. I think its pretty fun and there is even a track with Vanessa Freeman on vocals!!!
28) Hybrid
29) Joseph Arthur
30) A-HA
31) LCD Soundsystem
33) Quantic
34) Money Mark - "Maybe I'm dead (Cornelius remix)" - Fantastic remix by King Cornelius
35) Charles Webster
36) Audioslave
37) Felix da Housecat
38) The Isley Brothers
39) Alpha Worship - a track from the backing worship CD that we use for Alpha. I want to explore doing "live" worship instead of using the backing CD.
40) Nuyorican Soul
Life is truly random... Happy with what my iPod thinks I need to listen to...
21) Broadcast
22) Clannad
23) Coldplay
24) Tinkabell - Taken from Ulrich Schnauss' website.
25) Mondo Grosso
26) Interpol - "Untitled (Velapene Screen remix)"
27) Doug Horley - Doug does fab worship for kids and teens... My girls love his stuff. I think its pretty fun and there is even a track with Vanessa Freeman on vocals!!!
28) Hybrid
29) Joseph Arthur
30) A-HA
31) LCD Soundsystem
33) Quantic
34) Money Mark - "Maybe I'm dead (Cornelius remix)" - Fantastic remix by King Cornelius
35) Charles Webster
36) Audioslave
37) Felix da Housecat
38) The Isley Brothers
39) Alpha Worship - a track from the backing worship CD that we use for Alpha. I want to explore doing "live" worship instead of using the backing CD.
40) Nuyorican Soul
Life is truly random... Happy with what my iPod thinks I need to listen to...
the iGun

Its been out for a wee while now but I love this strip from wulffmorgenthaler Its almost biographical.
caution - some of the content on the website is a wee bit rude
the lion, the witch and the wardrobe...

Set iPod to shuffle...
Have the iPod on shuffle this morning... Here's the first 20 tracks:
1) Kings of Convenience
2) The Prodigy
3) Basement Jaxx
4) Mary Mary - "Praise you" - On when I received the text about my b-i-l's dad.
5) Waldeck
6) Athlete
7) Golden Sun
8) Dave & Ansel Collins
9) Rick Astley - "When I fall in love" - Arrgghhh!!! My wife has used this for a wedding iMovie and I haven't unselected it. Personally, I prefer Nat 'King' Cole's version - can't be bettered!
10) Schindler's List OST
11) Emanuel Podcast
12) Jack Johnson
13) U2
14) DJ Shadow
15) The B-52's - "Good Stuff" - Taken from Tokion's "Rockin' Mammoth" CD. Such a great track - Have the album somewhere...
16) Royksopp
17) Stereophonics - "Have a nice day" - taken from a chill out album I have... Not a big fan of theirs but do love this song.
18) Radiohead - "Pyramid Song" - taken from the LateNightTales CD that the Flaming Lips did. Have never real got Radiohead. I rate them but don't have any of their stuff. Good track.
19) Alison Krauss & Union Station
20) The Black Keys
As I have mentioned before, my iPod is a broad church that even has room for Rick Astley...
1) Kings of Convenience
2) The Prodigy
3) Basement Jaxx
4) Mary Mary - "Praise you" - On when I received the text about my b-i-l's dad.
5) Waldeck
6) Athlete
7) Golden Sun
8) Dave & Ansel Collins
9) Rick Astley - "When I fall in love" - Arrgghhh!!! My wife has used this for a wedding iMovie and I haven't unselected it. Personally, I prefer Nat 'King' Cole's version - can't be bettered!
10) Schindler's List OST
11) Emanuel Podcast
12) Jack Johnson
13) U2
14) DJ Shadow
15) The B-52's - "Good Stuff" - Taken from Tokion's "Rockin' Mammoth" CD. Such a great track - Have the album somewhere...
16) Royksopp
17) Stereophonics - "Have a nice day" - taken from a chill out album I have... Not a big fan of theirs but do love this song.
18) Radiohead - "Pyramid Song" - taken from the LateNightTales CD that the Flaming Lips did. Have never real got Radiohead. I rate them but don't have any of their stuff. Good track.
19) Alison Krauss & Union Station
20) The Black Keys
As I have mentioned before, my iPod is a broad church that even has room for Rick Astley...
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Condolences to my Brother & Sister in Law...
My brother-in-law's father died today. My condolences to my brother & sister-in-law... and to my two nieces and nephew.
Take comfort in your family and friends... and remember death is not the end but the start of something new.
Take comfort in your family and friends... and remember death is not the end but the start of something new.
Powerpoint tips...
If you, like me, love to create and present using Powerpoint then you'll need to check out these hints and tips: link
Its important to keep things interesting and engaging for the people you present to. We have become so accustomed to presentations using Powerpoint that we switch off and go into "viewer" mode rather than becoming an active participant in the discussion.
I personally prefer the role of facilitator in a discussion rather than presenter to an audience - this works better in church especially.
Thanks to Lifehacker for the heads up on this.
Its important to keep things interesting and engaging for the people you present to. We have become so accustomed to presentations using Powerpoint that we switch off and go into "viewer" mode rather than becoming an active participant in the discussion.
I personally prefer the role of facilitator in a discussion rather than presenter to an audience - this works better in church especially.
Thanks to Lifehacker for the heads up on this.
Santa has a blog...
Need to tell my girls... Santa has his own blog and podcast: link
This should keep them busy in the run up to Christmas!
This should keep them busy in the run up to Christmas!
Create a shrine to the iPod...

Gizmodo one of my fav tech blogs are running a comp to create a shrine to the iPod. This works with the theme of recent posts I have made with regards to my personal iDolatry of the iPod and all things Apple. Seems kind of fun though... I know I subscribe to the Protestant ethic of no shrines/rituals etc but, hey, maybe I could learn something... Who knows? Link
Check this out too... found a link to this cool livejournal page about iDolatry... Its cool although it does contain some sweary words: link
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Positive feedback...
My old boss loved the presentation / scene-setting loop / mix-CD that I did for his awards ceremony:
Everything went really well with much comment (favourable) on the loop and the presentation itself. Thanks for your input and helping make the night a successPresentations for sale... Get your presentations here...
Mr Bird's Make Your Own
I have been made aware of a new lunchtime dining experience...
Mr Bird's Make Your Own Its an Australian concept the revolves around the freshest of ingredients. Basically, you make your own sandwich/wrap/thing to take away. Link
On one hand this seems crazy - why pay to make your own sandwich? Get up earlier you lazy boy!!! but then it kind of sinks in - its about taking an interest in what you eat and being responsible for your own nutrition.
Seems mad but makes sense... oh and there's one in Bellshill!
Mr Bird's Make Your Own Its an Australian concept the revolves around the freshest of ingredients. Basically, you make your own sandwich/wrap/thing to take away. Link
On one hand this seems crazy - why pay to make your own sandwich? Get up earlier you lazy boy!!! but then it kind of sinks in - its about taking an interest in what you eat and being responsible for your own nutrition.
Seems mad but makes sense... oh and there's one in Bellshill!
Idea: No Wax

Had this idea for a while but thought I'd blog it... I really fancy hosting a NO WAX evening for the young folk in the Church/Division... Nothing heavy... Just a gathering of young people to develop relationships and networks with like-minded folk.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Had an idea for the name of my visionary coffeehouse experience while studying today... I thought noWHERE was pretty cool...
I liked the idea of noWHERE - NOWhere in that before you arrive its "nowhere" but when you get there it becomes "NOW HERE"
...and the take away will be called noWHERE-2-go
I like it... What do you think???
PS - I know Nigo has a chain of a bathing ape stores in Japan called "nowhere" but I really doubt folk will get confused... although I would love to meet someone who has been to "nowhere" in Tokyo!
I liked the idea of noWHERE - NOWhere in that before you arrive its "nowhere" but when you get there it becomes "NOW HERE"
...and the take away will be called noWHERE-2-go
I like it... What do you think???
PS - I know Nigo has a chain of a bathing ape stores in Japan called "nowhere" but I really doubt folk will get confused... although I would love to meet someone who has been to "nowhere" in Tokyo!
D*I*R*T*Y Mixes
Came across this website: www.d-i-r-t-y.com/mixes yesterday while surfing and think its pretty fab. There are a ton of mixes by folk such as Air, Jazzanova, Four Tet, Susumu Yokota and Smith & Mighty; for your listening pleasure. The Air mix is great - they've mixed some classic C&W songs together with a couple of their own tracks and the seminal Sebastian Tellier track "Fantino" (used to good effect in Lost in Translation
I used iRecord Music to record the Air show so I could listen to it on my iPod. Works a treat!
The rest of the D*I*R*T*Y site is pretty cool - videos from Air & Cornelius... sweet photos and desktops... the "textes" page has some cool interviews but for some unknown reason they have a couple of pics there that are not suitable for work (NSFW).
I used iRecord Music to record the Air show so I could listen to it on my iPod. Works a treat!
The rest of the D*I*R*T*Y site is pretty cool - videos from Air & Cornelius... sweet photos and desktops... the "textes" page has some cool interviews but for some unknown reason they have a couple of pics there that are not suitable for work (NSFW).
Intelligent Design vs Evolution... part 2
Had a thought with regard to ID vs Evolution... What came before the Big Bang? What came before God?
What is the answer? My belief says God but that stems from faith. I can't imagine a world without God - He is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow; It is a irrelevant question to me... in essence, there is no "before God". He is that He is.
However, a similar answer will be given by the Evolutionist... in that what came before the Big Bang is irrelevant. Is this the crux of the problem? Is this the point at which we disagree? We do not and can not agree on what the catalyst was...
I believe the catalyst was God... but then that's my belief. You may believe that the Big Bang just occurred... but then that's your belief. Sometimes we just have to live and let live... and wait the answer out. What is important is now. What is important is what we do with the time we have... we can seek the answers to questions no one is asking... or we can deal with things of importance like homelessness, addiction, hunger, AIDS, poverty, war...
What is the answer? My belief says God but that stems from faith. I can't imagine a world without God - He is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow; It is a irrelevant question to me... in essence, there is no "before God". He is that He is.
However, a similar answer will be given by the Evolutionist... in that what came before the Big Bang is irrelevant. Is this the crux of the problem? Is this the point at which we disagree? We do not and can not agree on what the catalyst was...
I believe the catalyst was God... but then that's my belief. You may believe that the Big Bang just occurred... but then that's your belief. Sometimes we just have to live and let live... and wait the answer out. What is important is now. What is important is what we do with the time we have... we can seek the answers to questions no one is asking... or we can deal with things of importance like homelessness, addiction, hunger, AIDS, poverty, war...
My mate rekindled my love for Wipeout when he brought his PSP over at the weekend. My wife and I have been playing Wipeout 2097, Wip3out, and Wipeout Fusion like maniacs since then.
I know I shouldn't but I really want a PSP to play Wipeout on... I have to control my covetousness...but it would be sweet.
Wipeout 2097 persuaded me to buy a PS (after I got a special bonus at work)... Wipeout Fusion was no1 on the wish list when I got a PS2 (gift from my parents)... Need to wait until I get my VS for a PSP, me thinks...
I know I shouldn't but I really want a PSP to play Wipeout on... I have to control my covetousness...but it would be sweet.
Wipeout 2097 persuaded me to buy a PS (after I got a special bonus at work)... Wipeout Fusion was no1 on the wish list when I got a PS2 (gift from my parents)... Need to wait until I get my VS for a PSP, me thinks...
Still off...
I have a bark... not a rottweiler's bark, nor a chihuahua's... just a Heinz variety mongrel bark... work don't want me in, so I am trying to finish the credit skills course I got roped into a while back. I also have a couple of books by Selwyn Huges to finish...
...and the sun is shining!
...and the sun is shining!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
What I am listening to today?
I've been listening to the following today...
(1) Confessions on a dancefloor by Madonna... Loving Stuart Price's (Le Rythmes Digitals / Zoot Woman) production on the album...especially the Abba sample on Hung Up. I'm not a huge Madonna fan - we only clicked on Ray of Light but I am loving this album. It has a nice 80's feel to it. Oh and Madonna is hot! especially for 47!!!
(2) Plat du Jour by Matthew Herbert. I loved the Big Band CD and I really got him live with the band... especially doing the live sample thing with the china cup and saucer - genius! This album is challenging, especially the liner notes, but is enjoyable. It has a unchartered territories feel about it... like we've never been here before. Love it.
(3) The Campfire Headphase by Boards of Canada. A present from my mate from Rockstar... it is lovely and lush in their usual style but has the added benefit of guitars and strings. Their sound gets better and better. BOC rock!!!
(4) Express Rising by Express Rising. Another pressie from my mate from Auld Reekie. The soundscapes contained within this album remind me of DJ Shadow. Intricate... but powerful. Great head music.
(5) The Understanding by Royksopp. Saw them live when they were promoting Melody AM and really enjoy the show...even though it was in the Garage in Glasgow. There was a lot of expectation when this album came out and I think it lived up to it. My fav track is Alpha Male for the way it builds from something simple to something powerful. Great album that gets better the more you listen to it. Must be something in the Bergen water or something...
(1) Confessions on a dancefloor by Madonna... Loving Stuart Price's (Le Rythmes Digitals / Zoot Woman) production on the album...especially the Abba sample on Hung Up. I'm not a huge Madonna fan - we only clicked on Ray of Light but I am loving this album. It has a nice 80's feel to it. Oh and Madonna is hot! especially for 47!!!
(2) Plat du Jour by Matthew Herbert. I loved the Big Band CD and I really got him live with the band... especially doing the live sample thing with the china cup and saucer - genius! This album is challenging, especially the liner notes, but is enjoyable. It has a unchartered territories feel about it... like we've never been here before. Love it.
(3) The Campfire Headphase by Boards of Canada. A present from my mate from Rockstar... it is lovely and lush in their usual style but has the added benefit of guitars and strings. Their sound gets better and better. BOC rock!!!
(4) Express Rising by Express Rising. Another pressie from my mate from Auld Reekie. The soundscapes contained within this album remind me of DJ Shadow. Intricate... but powerful. Great head music.
(5) The Understanding by Royksopp. Saw them live when they were promoting Melody AM and really enjoy the show...even though it was in the Garage in Glasgow. There was a lot of expectation when this album came out and I think it lived up to it. My fav track is Alpha Male for the way it builds from something simple to something powerful. Great album that gets better the more you listen to it. Must be something in the Bergen water or something...
Ambience part 2...
As part of my recouperation, I've been working on an ambient iMix. Collecting various tunes to make more of a soundscape CD.
1 Lake Nocturne by Vector Lovers (taken from "Vector Lovers")
2 moifsee by Ulrich Schnauss (taken from "Far away trains passing by...")
3 Always Returning by Brian Eno (taken from "The Best Chillout Ever")
4 As the Moon Spins Around by Manual (taken from "Ascend")
5 You Were There with Me by FourTet (taken from the fab album "Everything Ecstatic")
6 Damask Rose by Vangelis (taken from the soundtrack to "Bladerunner")
7 foetus by Pressure Drop (taken from "Elusive")
8 Everything About You Is New by Massive Attack (taken from the "Danny the dog" soundtrack)
9 Different Light by Redshift (taken from the now out of print album "Halo")
10 Alone In Kyoto by Air (taken from the "Lost In Translation" soundtrack)
11 a perfect solitude by Golden Sun (taken from "manual & syntaks")
12 Lower Your Eyelids to Die with the Sun by M83 (taken from their fab album "Before the Dawn Heals Us")
13 Elysium by Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard (taken from the soundtrack to "Gladiator")
14 Autumn Leaves (Irresistible Force Remix) by Coldcut (from the site "http://aurgasm.us")
15 one perfect sunrise by Orbital (taken from the "Blue Album")
I appreciate that the Orbital track isn't ambient and is very lively but it frames the iMix... its almost like a soundtrack for the last hour of darkness before the dawn...
All mixed using Jam... ironically, in my jammies...
1 Lake Nocturne by Vector Lovers (taken from "Vector Lovers")
2 moifsee by Ulrich Schnauss (taken from "Far away trains passing by...")
3 Always Returning by Brian Eno (taken from "The Best Chillout Ever")
4 As the Moon Spins Around by Manual (taken from "Ascend")
5 You Were There with Me by FourTet (taken from the fab album "Everything Ecstatic")
6 Damask Rose by Vangelis (taken from the soundtrack to "Bladerunner")
7 foetus by Pressure Drop (taken from "Elusive")
8 Everything About You Is New by Massive Attack (taken from the "Danny the dog" soundtrack)
9 Different Light by Redshift (taken from the now out of print album "Halo")
10 Alone In Kyoto by Air (taken from the "Lost In Translation" soundtrack)
11 a perfect solitude by Golden Sun (taken from "manual & syntaks")
12 Lower Your Eyelids to Die with the Sun by M83 (taken from their fab album "Before the Dawn Heals Us")
13 Elysium by Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard (taken from the soundtrack to "Gladiator")
14 Autumn Leaves (Irresistible Force Remix) by Coldcut (from the site "http://aurgasm.us")
15 one perfect sunrise by Orbital (taken from the "Blue Album")
I appreciate that the Orbital track isn't ambient and is very lively but it frames the iMix... its almost like a soundtrack for the last hour of darkness before the dawn...
All mixed using Jam... ironically, in my jammies...
Off work with the sniffles...
I am trying not to be a man about this... I am not dying!!! I have a head cold and don't want to pass it to my colleagues (or should I say my colleagues don't want me to pass it on them!)
Missed the first part of a three week session on Spiritual Gifts at the church last night... which is a shame... but I'll catch up.
Missed the first part of a three week session on Spiritual Gifts at the church last night... which is a shame... but I'll catch up.
Monday, November 14, 2005

Had the opportunity to back a prayer time in yesterday's evening meeting... First real chance to demonstrate the power of ambient music as an aid to prayer and contemplation. I only had 7-8mins and had to make them count... I mixed, using Jam, the following playlist:
(1) "Danger of Hell" by Thomas Newman (From the Green Mile soundtrack)
(2) "Agnes' Theme" by George Fenton (From the "In love and war" soundtrack) and
(3) "Monastry at La Rabida" by Vangelis (From the "1492" soundtrack)
It worked well... although, the meditation went over the planned 7-8mins and the chap responsible for the PA never repeated the CD. We shouldn't be scared of silence and the couple of mins after the CD finished were electric.
My wife chose the track from "in love and war" for its simplicity and lovely orchestration. Good choice, honey!
This is something I am eager to develop in two directions:
(1) To expand my range of ambient music for use in contemplative settings
(2) To expand my collection of Gospel music for pleasure and for public consumption
Two albums that I am eager to get my grubby paws on are "76:14" by Global Communication and "King Britt Presents Sister Gertrude Morgan [Remixed By King Britt]"
76:14 has a wonderful reputation for the kind of glorious ambient soundscapes that I am eager to experience.
King Britt's remix of Sister Gertrude Morgan's one and only album interests me... I think King Britt is a fab DJ and have some of his work on the iPod...but I am also intrigued by Sister Gertrude's gospel music. The write up on the Ropeadope site is fascinating: link Thanks to Johnny Baker for highlighting Sister Gertrude.
I am excited to take this forward...
Sunday, November 13, 2005
This Weekend...
Had a pretty busy weekend... My friend from Edinburgh who works for Rockstar North came to visit. It was great to see him... he is great with the girls and always generous...
We watched "Batman Begins" (which I have to say was fab... really enjoyed it... total package was first class!) and hung out. I did a lot of updating to his PowerBook... and he gave me some new tunes.
We spent some time in Glasgow (my folks took the girls - my wife went to Glasgow with her mother and sister for their annual mad shop) Went to wagamama for food then did a bit of shopping...
We talked music and work and faith and movies... It was great. I like my friend's perspective of me... he identifies and understands my ways. He sees my need for exclusivity as an expression of my identity and not arrogance... and I appreciate that.
Thanks for your company... and a shot of your PSP!
We watched "Batman Begins" (which I have to say was fab... really enjoyed it... total package was first class!) and hung out. I did a lot of updating to his PowerBook... and he gave me some new tunes.
We spent some time in Glasgow (my folks took the girls - my wife went to Glasgow with her mother and sister for their annual mad shop) Went to wagamama for food then did a bit of shopping...
We talked music and work and faith and movies... It was great. I like my friend's perspective of me... he identifies and understands my ways. He sees my need for exclusivity as an expression of my identity and not arrogance... and I appreciate that.
Thanks for your company... and a shot of your PSP!
Friday, November 11, 2005
What's on the iPod... more?

My iPod is a broad church... in fact its very broad! Been listening to:
(1) "Homogenic" by Bjork. Love this album for its futurism... Its the kind of thing a pedestrian in LA circa Bladerunner would have been listening to. Hunter is such a fab track because it has an excitement about it and uses an interesting use of the cello.
(2) "Sweetback" by Sweetback. I have loved this album since it was released. Sade's backing band (keyboardist Andrew Hale, bassist Paul Denman, and guitar/sax man Stuart Matthewman) have crafted and structured beautiful audio textures, using soul music and dub as a foundation. Amel Larrieux, Maxwell, Bahamadia and Talvin Singh are involved. I have tender memories that this album reminds me of, and for that it will always be important.
(3) "Shield of Thorns" by Shawn Smith. Big fan of Shawn Smith, although I'm not big on the whole rock thing just now. I love his voice and rate some of his work with Satchel and Brad highly. This is an album that I got a while back and it kind of got lost on the iPod... buried under other more urgent stuff to listen to. I have rediscovered it and am enjoying it. It feels older than it is... kind of acoustic and bluesy. Nice.
(4) Nicola Benedetti's first album. I'm not a big classical fan but I love lush orchestration and strings... Nicola expresses herself beautifully and makes her violin sing. Some of the tracks sound like backing to movies I have never seen and that fascinates me.
(5) "Medula" by Bjork. This is a hard album to listen to but it does capture my attention and create an other-world. Her amazing use of the voice as an atmospheric tool is a credit to her. It lacks the accessiblity of "Homogenic" but will stand the test of time.
One more word...
Received an email from my good friend in Edinburgh - the chap who works for Rockstar North:
Thanks pal... One of the things I love about a good friend is that they keep you accountable for your actions. They remember when you have conviently forgotten. They challenge you when you are wrong and take the mick when you act silly.
I am obsessive... Its part of my nature and I agree its a fitting word to describe me. I did accumulate a rather large collection of Calvins for my honeymoon... yeah, like I look like Marky Mark!!! Thanks
Just read your blog. Enjoyable as always! Like your one word name game. My one word for you is 'Obsessive'. It's Apple or iPod now, but I've known you for years and there's always been that special something that consumes a huge part of your life. Apple and iPod have made a huge impact on your life, but I still remember how important Stussy was for you, and let's not forget your Calvin Klein pants faze!
Thanks pal... One of the things I love about a good friend is that they keep you accountable for your actions. They remember when you have conviently forgotten. They challenge you when you are wrong and take the mick when you act silly.
I am obsessive... Its part of my nature and I agree its a fitting word to describe me. I did accumulate a rather large collection of Calvins for my honeymoon... yeah, like I look like Marky Mark!!! Thanks
Thursday, November 10, 2005
What's on the iPod..?

Presently enjoying the following...
(1) "Irony" by ACO. This is an amazing piece of sound sculpture from Japan. My friend from Rockstar gave me it a while ago and I love it. It is so otherworldly and etheral and different from the norm.
(2) "The Night Garden" by Waldeck - Love this. Picked it up for £2.00 in the Carbon Records bargin bin in Urban Outfitters. Had a couple of Waldeck's tracks from www.epitonic.com - this album is fab... vocal electronica with dubby influences that remind me of Massive Attack. Fine!
(3) "Far away trains passing by" by Ulrich Schnauss. Had this album for a while now and love it - the sound and atmospherics are mellow yet challenging and engaging. The album has been reissued with a bonus disk that I want to check out. Have one of the tracks via a download from www.xlr8r.com. My wife loves his work too - her fav track is "Knuddelmaus".
John Peel & The Salvation Army...

This is a wee bit old but I am glad to see that the Salvation Army will benefit from the profits of the John Peel compilation CD. Thanks John, Sheila and the family!
I rated John Peel and kind of regret not listening to more of his broadcasts. He was a visionary and true "broad"caster... as opposed to the "narrow"casters that focus on one or two genres.
I have to say that Worldwide and the Blue Room continue to rock and kudos to the BBC for these shows... Glad its not all about the ratings.
Picture is from a T-Shirt that the Big Chill have commissioned Sweetlife to create to commemorate John Peel. Its sold on the Big Chill site and all profits made will go to a charity of John's wife, Sheila's choosing. Well done, Big Chill!
Intelligent Design vs Evolution...
One of my fav blogs is Geek Culture. They publish the Joy of Tech - cartoon that parodies the Tech world, usually related to Apple.
To my suprise I found this fab forum on the ongoing debate on Intelligent Design vs Evolution and I thought I'd link to it here.
My two pence worth... Intelligent Design is Creationism but doesn't state who the Creator is...and is a belief. Evolution is a theory, which is in essence a belief too. Creationsim looks at the "why" whereas Science looks at the "how" and "what". I do not see these points to be mutually exclusive.
I believe in a Creator. How He created the world is something Science can observe and theorise on. If creation is observed through Darwin's theory then great... but if is not then why can't we debate it/challenge it?
Why? Because Intelligent Design is NOT scientific! It goes against the broad Scientific dogma. It seems to me that both camps (ID vs Evolution) are just as fundamentalist and dogmatic as each other... and this is why we will continue to go round in circles.
Thats why it comes down to belief. I look at my daughter's hand and think "what a great design"... I don't look at it and think it was the most practical means of fulfilling a role and that's why it hasn't changed.
In closing, I quote Dunninger...
To my suprise I found this fab forum on the ongoing debate on Intelligent Design vs Evolution and I thought I'd link to it here.
My two pence worth... Intelligent Design is Creationism but doesn't state who the Creator is...and is a belief. Evolution is a theory, which is in essence a belief too. Creationsim looks at the "why" whereas Science looks at the "how" and "what". I do not see these points to be mutually exclusive.
I believe in a Creator. How He created the world is something Science can observe and theorise on. If creation is observed through Darwin's theory then great... but if is not then why can't we debate it/challenge it?
Why? Because Intelligent Design is NOT scientific! It goes against the broad Scientific dogma. It seems to me that both camps (ID vs Evolution) are just as fundamentalist and dogmatic as each other... and this is why we will continue to go round in circles.
Thats why it comes down to belief. I look at my daughter's hand and think "what a great design"... I don't look at it and think it was the most practical means of fulfilling a role and that's why it hasn't changed.
In closing, I quote Dunninger...
For those that believe, no explanation is necessary. For those that do not, none will suffice.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
A meditative playlist...
Held dinner at the Church followed by a prayer and contemplation session last night... Thankfully it was reasonably well attended.
I wanted to create a meditative atmosphere with music, so I mixed the following playlist on a CD using “Toast and Jam”:
1) “Danger of Hell” by Thomas Newman (taken from the Green Mile soundtrack)
2) “Monastery at La Rabiba” by Vangelis (taken from “1492: The Conquest of Paradise”)
3) “Rachel’s Song” by Vangelis (taken from the Bladerunner soundtrack)
4) “The Shimmering Wake” by Golden Sun (taken from “Manual & Syntaks”)
5) “When I survey” by Iona (taken from “Journey into the Morn”)
6) “It is done” by John Debney (taken from the Passion of the Christ soundtrack)
7) “More than just enough” by Sarah Luneack (taken from “In the wind”)
8) “God moving over the water” by Moby (taken from “Everything is Wrong”)
9) “A living prayer” by Alison Krauss & Union Station (taken from “Lonely runs both ways”)
The selection works well... although the piano loop on Moby’s track is a wee bit repetitive to new listeners. I’m going to develop this idea of backing meditative time to music and am looking for beautifully atmospheric ambient music without beats. Any ideas?
I wanted to create a meditative atmosphere with music, so I mixed the following playlist on a CD using “Toast and Jam”:
1) “Danger of Hell” by Thomas Newman (taken from the Green Mile soundtrack)
2) “Monastery at La Rabiba” by Vangelis (taken from “1492: The Conquest of Paradise”)
3) “Rachel’s Song” by Vangelis (taken from the Bladerunner soundtrack)
4) “The Shimmering Wake” by Golden Sun (taken from “Manual & Syntaks”)
5) “When I survey” by Iona (taken from “Journey into the Morn”)
6) “It is done” by John Debney (taken from the Passion of the Christ soundtrack)
7) “More than just enough” by Sarah Luneack (taken from “In the wind”)
8) “God moving over the water” by Moby (taken from “Everything is Wrong”)
9) “A living prayer” by Alison Krauss & Union Station (taken from “Lonely runs both ways”)
The selection works well... although the piano loop on Moby’s track is a wee bit repetitive to new listeners. I’m going to develop this idea of backing meditative time to music and am looking for beautifully atmospheric ambient music without beats. Any ideas?
iPodification of Glasgow...
Sunday, November 06, 2005
The sermon today at Church today was on the 10 Commandments...
I couldn't escape the whole iDolatry that I've been contemplating of late... Do I put Apple/iMac/iBook/iPod in front of God? If I do, then I'm in trouble!
Spent most of today fixing my iMac and updating my iPod - cut a long story short: my LaCie harddrive is being a nuisance - it turns itself off when faced with a complex piece of work (kind of like me) which renders it pretty useless for iMovie. It was bearable for iTunes but not for iMovie. My father has lent me the funds to buy a Freecom USB2 harddrive (he is going to take charge of it once we get the LaCie fixed) for which I am grateful. I have taken all the important files off the iMac and am upgrading it to Tiger to be the same as my iBook.
So, all in all, it looks like I've broken the "Sabbath day holy" commandment too...
I couldn't escape the whole iDolatry that I've been contemplating of late... Do I put Apple/iMac/iBook/iPod in front of God? If I do, then I'm in trouble!
Spent most of today fixing my iMac and updating my iPod - cut a long story short: my LaCie harddrive is being a nuisance - it turns itself off when faced with a complex piece of work (kind of like me) which renders it pretty useless for iMovie. It was bearable for iTunes but not for iMovie. My father has lent me the funds to buy a Freecom USB2 harddrive (he is going to take charge of it once we get the LaCie fixed) for which I am grateful. I have taken all the important files off the iMac and am upgrading it to Tiger to be the same as my iBook.
So, all in all, it looks like I've broken the "Sabbath day holy" commandment too...
Saturday, November 05, 2005

It seems kind of silly for the UK to celebrate, with fireworks, the work of a Catholic Terrorist... but we do. Guy Fawkes and his gunpowder plot...
Watched the fireworks at Strathclyde Park... Fantastic... Really powerful and awesome...
I always feel kind of guilty when I watch fireworks because they are such a waste of money... They instantly gratify you then they are a memory. When you think of the silly money spent in the UK for tonight, it would horrify you.
I wonder how much my council spent tonight putting on a great show? There are people in Kashmir dying of the cold after surviving an earthquake... and we a literally burning our money away.
Oh and Pippin had to be given a pil to chill her out... She was hyper!
Friday, November 04, 2005
More responses from the "One Word" game...
Since the last post I have received the following responses:
I am short... Certainly shorter than my wife... but I feel that's not an issue. My pal at work thinks it is for some reason.
Another colleague had an "epiphany" and decided I look like a happy, fat buddha. Thanks for that, mate!
The most interesting response was "Apple" from my wife... I hope she thinks I am the "Apple" of her eye...but I feel she too thinks I am an obsessive Apple Fanboy. More fuel for the fire, if even my love thinks this.
short / apple / buddha
I am short... Certainly shorter than my wife... but I feel that's not an issue. My pal at work thinks it is for some reason.
Another colleague had an "epiphany" and decided I look like a happy, fat buddha. Thanks for that, mate!
The most interesting response was "Apple" from my wife... I hope she thinks I am the "Apple" of her eye...but I feel she too thinks I am an obsessive Apple Fanboy. More fuel for the fire, if even my love thinks this.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
The "One Word" description game...
Got sent this wee game from a pal today. I'm not one for silly email games - they are a waste of time when you are trying to productively waste time... but this ones pretty good:
I am pleased with the honest comment. I try to live an honest life and with this friend, I have been brave enough to tell her things she maybe didn't want to hear but did appreciate once she heard them.
I am not pleased with the farter comment... People will forget your good deeds... sometimes your bad deeds will be forgiven... but fart once and you're an outcast FOREVER!!!
Complex is cool - there are many strings to my bow.
However, iPod is the most interesting one. I am an evangelical iPod user! I am a huge Apple fanboy and obviously this has made an impression. It also shows what is first in my life (or, at least, what is apparently first) and that's a wee bit embarassing. Why? It would appear that I am more gung-ho for Apple than I am for my faith. Does this mean that Steve Jobs is my idol (should that be iDol???) instead of my Lord?
One WordI sent this out to a few friends at work and, so far, I have received 4 responses:
Describe me in one word - just one.
Send it to me (only me), then forward this email to your friends
and see how many strange things people think about you.
Reply it's fun!
iPod / honest / farter / complexI think these responses are fascinating and I'm going to extend the reach of the game.
I am pleased with the honest comment. I try to live an honest life and with this friend, I have been brave enough to tell her things she maybe didn't want to hear but did appreciate once she heard them.
I am not pleased with the farter comment... People will forget your good deeds... sometimes your bad deeds will be forgiven... but fart once and you're an outcast FOREVER!!!
Complex is cool - there are many strings to my bow.
However, iPod is the most interesting one. I am an evangelical iPod user! I am a huge Apple fanboy and obviously this has made an impression. It also shows what is first in my life (or, at least, what is apparently first) and that's a wee bit embarassing. Why? It would appear that I am more gung-ho for Apple than I am for my faith. Does this mean that Steve Jobs is my idol (should that be iDol???) instead of my Lord?
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
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